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Video Disk Recorder


Register new user

Email: Your email address. This must be filled in. A message will be sent to this address in order to verify your existence, and whenever your record is changed. This email address will NOT be revealed to the public!
Name: Your real name.
Email: Your email address, as you want it to be seen. Leave empty if you don't want to reveal it.
Homepage: The URL of your personal Web page, if any (without "http://"!).
Country: The country you live in. Please use the English name (like Germany or Austria).
State: The state or region you live in. Please use your local language name (like Colorado or Bayern).
City: The city you live in. Please use your local language name (like München or Wien), without any ZIP code.
Start date: When you started using VDR (use ISO notation, e.g. 2002-11-17).
May publish: Yes, include my name and email in the listings
No, I want to be an anonymous statistic


© 2006 KLS 
 Last modified: Sun Aug 20 11:50:16 2006 by