Ok, dann hab ich das verstanden. In der Konfig wird ja als Standard user nobody und nogroup eingetragen.
Aber egal was ich in der DB als User und Gruppe eintrage , die Dateien die ich per FTP hochlade gehören immer nobody und nogroup.
D.h. der FTP Server nimmt nicht den User/Gruppe an den ich dem jeweiligen Login zugeordnet habe.
Woran kann das jetzt liegen ? Gibt es da noch irgendeine Option die man einschalten muss ?
# Basic
ServerName "DynMS FTP Server"
serverType standalone
# Debug Level
# emerg, alert, crit (empfohlen), error, warn. notice, info, debug
SyslogLevel crit
SystemLog /var/log/proftpd.system.log
# uncomment, if you want to hide the servers name:
ServerIdent on "DynMS FTP Server"
DeferWelcome on
DefaultServer on
# Display
DisplayLogin ./ftp.motd
DisplayConnect ./ftp.pre
DisplayFirstChdir index.txt
HiddenStor off
#DirFakeUser on ftpuser
#DirFakeGroup on ftpgroup
#DirFakeMode 0640
Port 21
#------------------------mysql Modul: 4.x
SQLAuthTypes Plaintext
SQLAuthenticate users*
SQLConnectInfo dyncontrol@localhost proftpd password
SQLDefaultGID 65534
SQLDefaultUID 65534
SQLMinUserGID 100
SQLMinUserUID 500
SQLUserInfo ftp username password uid gid homedir shell
SQLLog PASS counter
SQLNamedQuery counter UPDATE "letzter_zugriff=now(), count=count+1 WHERE username='%u'" ftp
# xfer Log in mysql
SQLLog RETR,STOR transfer1
SQLNamedQuery transfer1 INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'c', NULL" xfer_stat
SQLNamedQuery transfer2 INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'i', NULL" xfer_stat
# FXP Unterstuetzung
AllowForeignAddress on
# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs
# and files from being group and world writable.
Umask 022
# Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
User nobody
Group nogroup
# Maximal Werte setzen
MaxClientsPerHost 3 "Nicht mehr als %m Verbindungen"
MaxClients 5 "Leider sind schon %m Clients verbunden"
Classes on
Class default limit 5
Class internet limit 2
Class local limit 3
Class internet ip
Class internet ip
Class local ip
Class local ip
# Restart erlauben
AllowStoreRestart on
AllowRetrieveRestart on
# It is a very good idea to allow only filenames containing normal
# alphanumeric characters for uploads (and not shell code...)
#PathAllowFilter "^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]()'+$"
#PathAllowFilter "^[a-zA-Z0-9 _.-]()'+$"
# We don't want .ftpaccess or .htaccess files to be uploaded
#PathDenyFilter "(\.ftp)|(\.ht)[a-z]+$"
#PathDenyFilter "\.ftp[a-z]+$"
# Do not allow to pass printf-Formats (security! see documentation!):
#AllowFilter "^[a-zA-Z0-9@~ /,_.-]*$"
#DenyFilter "%"
# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30. If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value. Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# such as xinetd)
MaxInstances 30
# Performance: skip DNS resolution when we process the logs...
UseReverseDNS off
# Turn off Ident lookups
IdentLookups off
# Set the maximum number of seconds a data connection is allowed
# to "stall" before being aborted.
TimeoutStalled 300
# Where do we put the pid files?
ScoreboardPath /usr/local/var/proftpd
# Do a chroot for web-users (i.e. public or www group), but
# do not change root if the user is also in the users group...
DefaultRoot ~ !users
# Limit login attempts
MaxLoginAttempts 3
# Users needs a valid shell
RequireValidShell off
<Directory /*>
AllowOverwrite on