ja, jetzt schnall ich es erst, was Du eigentlich willst...
Du hast also auf Deinem Debian Server ProFTPD. Wenn Dein Client rechner direkt ins Netz geht dann klappt es, wenn Dein Client Rechner ueber den Router ins netz gehst,d ann geht es nicht.
Naja, das hat mich ProFTPD nix zu tun, sondern damit, ob Dein Router gewisse Ports forwarded. Passiver Transfer benutzt hohe, unpriviligierte Ports. Normalerweise haben Router einige helper module, die erkennen, was da gerade ablaeuft und forwarden dann bei bedarf die Ports zu Deinem Rechner.
Wie kann man das umgehen ? Schwierig. Zum einen kannst Du mal schauen, ob Du was bei Deinem Router einstellen kannst. Du kannst auch einfach alle Ports weiterleiten und Dich auf die FW Faehigkeiten Deiner Linux Kiste verlassen.
Dein Debug Log ist leider komplett wertlos, da Du nicht den Teil gepostet hast, wo es zum Problem kommt - also bei erfolgter Verbindung und Timeout...
Damit hast Du eigentlich Recht, aber an meinem Router liegt es eben auch nicht, da eine active-FTP Verbindung zu sämtlichen mir bekannten FTP-Servern problemlos möglich ist. Mein active-FTP Problem konnte ich bisher auch aus anderen Netzwerkumgebungen bei Bekannten reproduzieren.
Anbei mal ein vernünftiges Logfile sowohl vom proftpd 1.2.9 als auch von meinem FTP-Client (WS-FTP)
IP von meinem Router:
IP vom proftpd Server: 333.333.333.333
debian ([]) - connected - local : 333.333.333.333:21
debian ([]) - connected - remote :
debian ([]) - FTP session opened.
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER testuser' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER testuser' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER testuser' to mod_auth
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'USER testuser' to mod_auth
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER testuser' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
debian ([]) -
debian ([]) - Config for FTP-Server:
debian ([]) - Limit
debian ([]) - DenyGroup
debian ([]) - /home/testuser
debian ([]) - Umask
debian ([]) - AllowOverwrite
debian ([]) - AllowRetrieveRestart
debian ([]) - AllowStoreRestart
debian ([]) - HideUser
debian ([]) - HideGroup
debian ([]) - ShowSymlinks
debian ([]) - RequireValidShell
debian ([]) - RootLogin
debian ([]) - DisplayLogin
debian ([]) - DisplayFirstChdir
debian ([]) - DenyFilter
debian ([]) - DeferWelcome
debian ([]) - ServerIdent
debian ([]) - ShowSymlinks
debian ([]) - DefaultServer
debian ([]) - AllowOverwrite
debian ([]) - RequireValidShell
debian ([]) - RootLogin
debian ([]) - IdentLookups
debian ([]) - Umask
debian ([]) - TimeoutNoTransfer
debian ([]) - TimeoutStalled
debian ([]) - TimeoutIdle
debian ([]) - DisplayLogin
debian ([]) - DisplayFirstChdir
debian ([]) - DenyFilter
debian ([]) - UserID
debian ([]) - UserName
debian ([]) - GroupID
debian ([]) - GroupName
debian ([]) - DefaultRoot
debian ([]) - AllowOverwrite
debian ([]) - AllowRetrieveRestart
debian ([]) - AllowStoreRestart
debian ([]) - ExtendedLog
debian ([]) - ExtendedLog
debian ([]) - CURRENT-CLIENTS
debian ([]) - USER
debian ([]) - USER testuser: Login successful.
debian ([]) - Preparing to chroot() the environment, path = '/home/testuser'
debian ([]) - Environment successfully chroot()ed.
debian ([]) - in dir_check_full(): path = '/', fullpath = '/home/testuser/'.
debian ([]) - dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_cap
debian ([]) - mod_cap/1.0: capabilities '= cap_chown,cap_net_bind_service+ep'
debian ([]) - dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_ls
debian ([]) - dispatching POST_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'PWD' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PWD' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'SYST' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'SYST' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 11,11,11,11,5,121' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PORT 11,11,11,11,5,121' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'PORT 11,11,11,11,5,121' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'PORT 11,11,11,11,5,121' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'LIST' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'LIST' to mod_ls
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'LIST' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'LIST' to mod_ls
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'QUIT' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'QUIT' to mod_core
debian ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'QUIT' to mod_log
debian ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'QUIT' to mod_core
debian ([]) - FTP session closed.
Das dazugehörige LogFile von WS-FTP ( ist die IP von meinem Rechner in meinem priv. Netz
connecting to 333.333.333.333:21
Connected to 333.333.333.333 port 21
220 FTP-Server
USER testuser
331 Password required for testuser.
PASS (hidden)
230 User testuser logged in.
257 "/" is current directory.
215 UNIX Type: L8
Host type (S): UNIX (standard)
PORT 192,168,0,3,5,121
200 PORT command successful
! Receive error: Blocking call cancelled
! Retrieve of directory listing failed (0)
425 Unable to build data connection: Connection timed out