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« am: 07. März 2006, 22:17:34 »

ich bin der verzweiflung nahe. ich weiß echt nicht, was falsch läuft. ich möchte einfach nur ein verzeichnis frei geben, auf das ein angelegter ftp-user zugriff hat (lesen, schreiben, alles was dazu gehört).

bisher klappte lesen und schreiben von dateien prima (woen- & upload). allerdings geht eins nicht: verzeichnisse anlegen. argh. ich kann angelegt sogar umbenennen. nur selbst anlegen, bzw. uploaden geht nicht Traurig

die unixrechte habe ich übrigens testhalber auf 777 gesetzt. ohne erfolg. ebenso habe ich in dem ordner noch einen unterordner per ssh mit 777 angelegt. auch hier lassen sich per ftp keine verzeichnisse anlegen *heul*

ServerName                      "zip"
ServerType                      standalone
ServerIdent                     on              "zip"
DeferWelcome                    on
DefaultServer                   on
MultilineRFC2228                on

DisplayLogin                    .welcome        # Textfile to display on login
DisplayConnect                  .connect        # Textfile to display on connection
DisplayFirstChdir               .firstchdir     # Textfile to display on first changedir

UseReverseDNS                   off
IdentLookups                    off

Port                            21
Umask                           022
MaxInstances                    15
MaxClientsPerHost               3               "Only %m connections per host allowed"
MaxClients                      10              "Only %m total simultanious logins allowed"
MaxHostsPerUser                 1

User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup

ScoreboardFile                  /var/log/scoreboard

# Some logging formats
LogFormat                       default         "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
LogFormat                       auth            "%v [%P] %h %t \"%r\" %s"
LogFormat                       write           "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"

# Define log-files to use
TransferLog                     /var/log/proftpd.xferlog
ExtendedLog                     /var/log/proftpd.access_log    WRITE,READ write
ExtendedLog                     /var/log/proftpd.auth_log      AUTH auth
ExtendedLog                     /var/log/proftpd.paranoid_log  ALL default
SQLLogFile                      /var/log/proftpd.mysql

# Set up authentication via SQL
# ===========
AuthOrder                       mod_sql.c
SQLAuthTypes                    Backend
SQLConnectInfo                  proftpd_admin@localhost proftpd baEHruvwSYtpm7PV
SQLUserInfo                     usertable userid passwd uid gid homedir shell
SQLGroupInfo                    grouptable groupname gid members
SQLUserWhereClause              "disabled=0 and (NOW()<=expiration or expiration=-1 or expiration=0)"

# Log the user logging in
SQLLog PASS counter
SQLNamedQuery counter UPDATE "lastlogin=now(), count=count+1 WHERE userid='%u'" usertable

# logout log
SQLLog EXIT time_logout
SQLNamedQuery time_logout UPDATE "lastlogout=now() WHERE userid='%u'" usertable

# display last login time when PASS command is given
SQLNamedQuery login_time SELECT "lastlogin from usertable where userid='%u'"
SQLShowInfo PASS "230" "Last login was: %{login_time}"

# xfer Log in mysql
SQLLog RETR,STOR transfer1
SQLNamedQuery  transfer1 INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'c', NULL" xfer_stat
SQLNamedQuery  transfer2 INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'i', NULL" xfer_stat

AllowStoreRestart               on
AllowRetrieveRestart            on
RequireValidShell               off
PathDenyFilter                  "\\.ftp)|\\.ht)[a-z]+$"
DefaultRoot                     ~
DenyFilter                      \*.*/
AllowOverwrite                  on

<Directory /var/home/htdocs/>
    <Limit ALL>

bitte helft mir!
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« Antwort #1 am: 08. März 2006, 06:46:27 »

1) Unix Rechte prüfen
2) Debug Log

www.stonki.de:    the more I see, the more I know.......
www.proftpd.de:   Deutsche ProFTPD Dokumentation
www.krename.net:  Der Batch Renamer für KDE
www.kbarcode.net: Die Barcode Solution für KDE
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Beiträge: 8

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« Antwort #2 am: 08. März 2006, 08:21:39 »

Zitat von: "stonki"
1) Unix Rechte prüfen

wie? ist doch schon alles in dem userverzeichnis auf 777. mehr geht doch nich. oder?

Zitat von: "stonki"
2) Debug Log

zip:/# proftpd -d9
 - mod_tls/2.0.7: using OpenSSL 0.9.7e 25 Oct 2004
 - parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
 - FS: using system open()
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'ServerName' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'ServerType' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'ServerIdent' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'DeferWelcome' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'DefaultServer' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'MultilineRFC2228' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'UseReverseDNS' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'IdentLookups' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'Port' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'Umask' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'MaxInstances' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'MaxClientsPerHost' to module mod_auth
 - dispatching directive 'MaxClients' to module mod_auth
 - dispatching directive 'MaxHostsPerUser' to module mod_auth
 - dispatching directive 'User' to module mod_core
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_radius
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching directive 'Group' to module mod_core
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_radius
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching directive 'ScoreboardFile' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'LogFormat' to module mod_log
 - dispatching directive 'LogFormat' to module mod_log
 - dispatching directive 'LogFormat' to module mod_log
 - dispatching directive 'TransferLog' to module mod_core
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'ExtendedLog' to module mod_log
 - dispatching directive 'ExtendedLog' to module mod_log
 - dispatching directive 'ExtendedLog' to module mod_log
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLogFile' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'AuthOrder' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthTypes' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLConnectInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLUserInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLGroupInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLUserWhereClause' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLog' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLNamedQuery' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLog' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLNamedQuery' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLNamedQuery' to module mod_sql
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'SQLShowInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLog' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLNamedQuery' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLog' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLNamedQuery' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'AllowStoreRestart' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'AllowRetrieveRestart' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'RequireValidShell' to module mod_auth
 - dispatching directive 'PathDenyFilter' to module mod_core
 - Compiling deny regex '\.ftp)|\.ht)[a-z]+$'.
 - Allocated deny regex at location 0x8143f20.
 - dispatching directive 'DefaultRoot' to module mod_auth
 - dispatching directive 'DenyFilter' to module mod_core
 - Compiling deny regex '\*.*/'.
 - Allocated deny regex at location 0x81448d0.
 - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive '<Directory>' to module mod_core
 - <Directory /var/home/htdocs/>: adding section for resolved path '/var/home/htdocs'
 - dispatching directive '<Limit>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'AllowAll' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '</Limit>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '</Directory>' to module mod_core
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system close()
zip -
zip - Config for zip:
zip - /var/home/htdocs
zip -  Limit
zip -   AllowAll
zip -  Umask
zip -  MaxClientsPerHost
zip -  MaxClients
zip -  MaxHostsPerUser
zip -  TransferLog
zip -  SQLAuthTypes
zip -  SQLConnectInfo
zip -  SQLLog_PASS
zip -  SQLNamedQuery_counter
zip -  SQLLog_EXIT
zip -  SQLNamedQuery_time_logout
zip -  SQLNamedQuery_login_time
zip -  SQLShowInfo_PASS
zip -  SQLLog_RETR
zip -  SQLLog_STOR
zip -  SQLNamedQuery_transfer1
zip -  SQLLog_ERR_RETR
zip -  SQLLog_ERR_STOR
zip -  SQLNamedQuery_transfer2
zip -  AllowStoreRestart
zip -  AllowRetrieveRestart
zip -  RequireValidShell
zip -  PathDenyFilter
zip -  DenyFilter
zip -  AllowOverwrite
zip - ServerIdent
zip - DeferWelcome
zip - DefaultServer
zip - IdentLookups
zip - Umask
zip - MaxClientsPerHost
zip - MaxClients
zip - MaxHostsPerUser
zip - UserID
zip - UserName
zip - GroupID
zip - GroupName
zip - TransferLog
zip - ExtendedLog
zip - ExtendedLog
zip - ExtendedLog
zip - SQLLogFile
zip - AuthOrder
zip - SQLAuthTypes
zip - SQLConnectInfo
zip - SQLUserTable
zip - SQLUsernameField
zip - SQLPasswordField
zip - SQLUidField
zip - SQLGidField
zip - SQLHomedirField
zip - SQLShellField
zip - SQLGroupTable
zip - SQLGroupnameField
zip - SQLGroupGIDField
zip - SQLGroupMembersField
zip - SQLUserWhereClause
zip - SQLLog_PASS
zip - SQLNamedQuery_counter
zip - SQLLog_EXIT
zip - SQLNamedQuery_time_logout
zip - SQLNamedQuery_login_time
zip - SQLShowInfo_PASS
zip - SQLLog_RETR
zip - SQLLog_STOR
zip - SQLNamedQuery_transfer1
zip - SQLNamedQuery_transfer2
zip - AllowStoreRestart
zip - AllowRetrieveRestart
zip - RequireValidShell
zip - PathDenyFilter
zip - DefaultRoot
zip - DenyFilter
zip - AllowOverwrite
zip - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_delay.c:295
zip - FS: using system open()
zip - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_delay.c:297
zip - FS: using system fstat()
zip - FS: using system close()
zip - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_radius
zip - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_sql
zip - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
zip - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
zip - SETUP PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2736
zip - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1970
zip - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1977
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Beiträge: 8

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« Antwort #3 am: 08. März 2006, 08:44:25 »

nachdem ich das jetzt hier gepostet hatte, ging es. versteht das einer? vielleicht hätte ich öfters mein ftp-programm beenden sollen, scheint da wohl irgend was gespeichert zu haben. oder einfach mal früher feierabend machen...
danke das wir drüber geredet haben Zwinkernd
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