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« am: 10. April 2005, 16:25:31 »

ich habe Server wie auch anderen auch ganz normal Kompiliert, ohne Fehlermeldungen.

./configure --enable-shadow --sysconfdir=/etc --with-modules=mod_sql:mod_sql_mysql --with-includes=/usr/include/mysql  --with-libraries=/usr/lib/mysql

# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file (rename it to
# 'proftpd.conf' for actual use.  It establishes a single server
# and a single anonymous login.  It assumes that you have a user/group
# "nobody" and "ftp" for normal operation and anon.

ServerName "ProFTPD Server"
ServerType standalone
DefaultServer on

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port 21

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask 022

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd).
MaxInstances 30

# Set the user and group under which the server will run.
User nobody
Group nogroup

UseReverseDNS off
IdentLookups off

   DefaultRoot ~

# Bar use of SITE CHMOD by default

<Directory /home/*>
   AllowRetrieveRestart on
   AllowStoreRestart on
   DeleteAbortedStores off
   HiddenStor off
   HideNoAccess on
   AllowOverwrite on
   GroupOwner 1000
   UserOwner %u

# Mysql Zugangskontrolle
SQLConnectInfo ********@******** ******** ********
SQLAuthenticate users*
SQLAuthTypes Plaintext #moeglich: Crypt
SQLDefaultGID 65534
SQLDefaultUID 65534
SQLMinUserGID 1000
SQLMinUserUID 1000
SQLUserInfo ftp username password uid gid homedir shell
SQLDefaultHomeDir /tmp
SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd.sql.log

# Logging options
SyslogLevel emerg
SystemLog /var/log/proftpd.system.log

aber starten möchte der nicht:

(none):/usr/local/sbin # proftpd -d 9 -n
 - parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
 - FS: using system open()
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'ServerName' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'ServerType' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'DefaultServer' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'Port' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'Umask' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'MaxInstances' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'User' to module mod_core
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching directive 'Group' to module mod_core
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching directive 'UseReverseDNS' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'IdentLookups' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '<Global>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'DefaultRoot' to module mod_auth
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive '</Global>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '<Limit>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'DenyAll' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '</Limit>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '<Directory>' to module mod_core
 - <Directory /home/*>: adding section for resolved path '/home/*'
 - dispatching directive 'AllowRetrieveRestart' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'AllowStoreRestart' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'DeleteAbortedStores' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'HiddenStor' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'HideNoAccess' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive 'GroupOwner' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'UserOwner' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive '</Directory>' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'SQLConnectInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthenticate' to module mod_sql
 - SQLAuthenticate: use of * in SQLAuthenticate has been deprecated.  Use AuthOrder for setting authoritativeness
 - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthTypes' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultGID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultUID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserGID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserUID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLUserInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultHomedir' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLogFile' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SyslogLevel' to module mod_core
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'SystemLog' to module mod_log
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system close()
 - getaddrinfo '_none_' error: Name or service not known
 - warning: unable to determine IP address of '_none_'
 - error: no valid servers configured
 - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'

bitte um Hilfe, falls noch was fehlt an Infos sagt bitte bescheid, reiche ich dann nach
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« Antwort #1 am: 10. April 2005, 21:32:27 »

Zitat von: "WebTeufel"

 - warning: unable to determine IP address of '_none_'
 - error: no valid servers configured
 - Fatal: error processing configuration file '/etc/proftpd.conf'

bitte um Hilfe, falls noch was fehlt an Infos sagt bitte bescheid, reiche ich dann nach

nameserver richtig einrichten bzw. /etc/hosts

www.stonki.de:    the more I see, the more I know.......
www.proftpd.de:   Deutsche ProFTPD Dokumentation
www.krename.net:  Der Batch Renamer für KDE
www.kbarcode.net: Die Barcode Solution für KDE
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