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Autor Thema: Kleine Konfigurationsprobleme  (Gelesen 438 mal)
0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.
« am: 22. September 2004, 03:06:39 »


ich möchte, dass sich user der gruppe ftpuser anmeden können und im verzeichniss /stuff/ftproot landen. das funktioniert auch soweit. in das verzeichniss /stuff/ftproot mount ich mit "mount --bind" andere verzeichnisse. Im /stuff/movies werden noch 4 weitere partitionen gemountet. das habe ich mit "mount --rbind /stuff/movies /stuff/ftproot/movies" gemountet. jetzt werden nur dateien und ordern im /stuff/ftproot/movies/movies1 angezeigt und in movies2,3,4 nicht. Allerdings ist das nur per ftp so. per ssh oder direkt werden in allen subdirs dateien angezeigt.

Warum ist das so?

2. Frage:
wenn ich jetzt die rechte der verzeichnisse in /stuff/ftproot/ einschränken will, mach ich das ja mit "<Directory>" und "<Limit>".  was muss da dann als Pfad rein. der tatsächliche /stuff/movies oder /stuff/ftproot/movies ?

Auszug von mount:

/stuff/medien on /stuff/ftproot/medien type none (rw,bind)
/stuff/movies on /stuff/ftproot/movies type none (rw,bind)
/stuff/daten/programme on /stuff/ftproot/programme type none (rw,bind)
/stuff/spiele on /stuff/ftproot/spiele type none (rw,bind)
/stuff/public on /stuff/ftproot/public type none (rw,bind)
/stuff/todo on /stuff/ftproot/todo type none (rw,bind)

hier meine config:

ServerType standalone
DefaultServer on
Umask 022
ServerName ""
ServerIdent on "Sanni's Ftp Server"
Bind ""

IdentLookups off
UseReverseDNS off

Port 21
PassivePorts 49152 65534

MaxInstances 30
MaxLoginAttempts 3

TimeoutLogin 300
TimeoutNoTransfer 120
TimeoutIdle 120

User nobody
Group nobody

AllowForeignAddress on
AllowRetrieveRestart on
AllowStoreRestart on

#TransferRate RETR 3000
#TransferRate STOR 3000
#TransferRate STOU 3000
#TransferRate APPE 3000

<Limit LOGIN>
DenyGroup !ftpuser

DefaultRoot /stuff/ftproot
Offline Offline

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« Antwort #1 am: 22. September 2004, 12:38:30 »

klappt das ohne "defaultroot" ?

www.stonki.de:    the more I see, the more I know.......
www.proftpd.de:   Deutsche ProFTPD Dokumentation
www.krename.net:  Der Batch Renamer für KDE
www.kbarcode.net: Die Barcode Solution für KDE
Offline Offline

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« Antwort #2 am: 22. September 2004, 21:54:46 »

habe noch en bischen rum probiert. jetzt funktioniert "mount --rbind" optimal L&auml;chelnd, nur mein Anonymous geht noch nicht. Als anonymous soll man im verzeichniss "/stuff/ftproot/" landen und nur auf den "public" ordner zugriff haben. die restlichen ordner soll man sehen aber nicht zugreifen.
theoretisch sollt das so funktionieren. nur kommt beim login als anomymous folgendes.


USER anonymous
331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password.
PASS (hidden)
530-Unable to set anonymous privileges.
530 Login incorrect.
Connection failed

proftpd -nd9:

sanni ([]) - ident lookup disabled
sanni ([]) - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:977
sanni ([]) - SETUP PRIVS at main.c:982
sanni ([]) - performing module session initializations
sanni ([]) - ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:130
sanni ([]) - opening scoreboard '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
sanni ([]) - RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:150
sanni ([]) - connected - local  :
sanni ([]) - connected - remote :
sanni ([]) - FTP session opened.
sanni - FS: using system lstat()
sanni - FS: using system lstat()
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER anonymous' to mod_tls
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER anonymous' to mod_core
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER anonymous' to mod_core
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'USER anonymous' to mod_auth
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endpwent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endpwent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endgrent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'USER anonymous' to mod_auth
sanni ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD command 'USER anonymous' to mod_log
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_tls
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_core
sanni ([]) - dispatching PRE_CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endpwent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endpwent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endgrent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching CMD command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "gid_name" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "gid_name" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "setgrent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "setgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:550
sanni ([]) - RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_auth.c:552
sanni ([]) - ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1002
sanni ([]) - SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1017
sanni ([]) - ROOT PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1034
sanni ([]) - SETUP PRIVS at mod_auth.c:1049
sanni ([]) - ftp: Directory /stuff/ftproot/ is not accessible.
sanni ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_log
sanni ([]) - dispatching LOG_CMD_ERR command 'PASS (hidden)' to mod_auth
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endpwent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endpwent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endgrent" to module mod_auth_file
sanni ([]) - dispatching auth request "endgrent" to module mod_auth_unix
sanni ([]) - FTP session closed.

"sanni ([]) - ftp: Directory /stuff/ftproot/ is not accessible."
keine ahnung warum das kommt, obwohl die rechte von "/stuff/ftproot" auf 777 stehen. das ist das letzte problem was ich noch habe.

so mounte ich jetzt:

mount --bind /stuff/medien/ /stuff/ftproot/medien/
mount --rbind /stuff/movies/ /stuff/ftproot/movies/  #submounts
mount --bind /stuff/daten/programme/ /stuff/ftproot/programme/
mount --bind /stuff/spiele/ /stuff/ftproot/spiele/
mount --bind /stuff/public/ /stuff/ftproot/public/
mount --rbind /stuff/todo/ /stuff/ftproot/todo/  #submounts
mount --bind /stuff/daten/upload/ /stuff/ftproot/upload/

hier nochmal meine neue config:

ServerName                      "sanni"
ServerType                      standalone
ServerIdent on "Sanni's Ftp Server"
DefaultServer                   on
Port                            21
PassivePorts 49152 65534
Umask                           022
MaxInstances                    30
User                            nobody
Group                           nobody
AllowOverwrite                  off
AllowRetrieveRestart            on
AllowStoreRestart               on
IdentLookups off
UseReverseDNS off

## Global Section ##
DefaultRoot /stuff/ftproot
MaxClients                      20 "too many users"
MaxClientsPerHost               2 "too many connections from your host"
DeleteAbortedStores             off
HiddenStor                      off
RootLogin                       off
IdentLookups                    off
AllowForeignAddress             on
RequireValidShell               on

<Limit LOGIN>
DenyGroup !ftpuser

## Anonymous Section ##

<Anonymous /stuff/ftproot>
User                            ftp
Group                           ftp
UserAlias                       anonymous ftp
MaxClients                      4
MaxClientsPerHost               1
AnonRequirePassword             off
DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
DisplayFirstChdir               .message
DefaultChdir                    /stuff/ftproot
<Limit write>
<Limit LOGIN>

## Directory Section ##

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/programme>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd>
DenyGroup !ftpuser
<Limit stor dele mkd write site feat help rmd rnfr rnto>

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/medien>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd>
DenyGroup !ftpuser
<Limit stor dele mkd write site feat help rmd rnfr rnto>

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/movies>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd>
DenyGroup !ftpuser
<Limit stor dele mkd write site feat help rmd rnfr rnto>

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/spiele>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd>
DenyGroup !ftpuser
<Limit stor dele mkd write site feat help rmd rnfr rnto>

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/todo>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd>
DenyGroup !ftpuser
<Limit stor dele mkd write site feat help rmd rnfr rnto>

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/upload>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd stor mkd site feat help rnfr rnto>
DenyGroup !ftpuser
<Limit dele rmd>

<Directory /stuff/ftproot/public>
<Limit read appe retr list rest cwd>
<Limit stor dele mkd write site feat help rmd rnfr rnto>

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