hatte bisher noch nie ein Problem mit ner Config aber das macht mich doch echt wirr.
Kurz und bündig man kommt in die höheren Ebenen ohne Probs
meine config ist mein letzte Idee. Moment beschränkt auf egal welche Gruppe.
Meine config:
ServerName "Debian"
ServerType standalone
DeferWelcome off
MultilineRFC2228 on
DefaultServer on
ShowSymlinks on
AllowOverwrite on
TimeoutNoTransfer 600
TimeoutStalled 600
TimeoutIdle 1200
DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayFirstChdir .message
ListOptions "-l"
DenyFilter \*.*/
RequireValidShell off
# Uncomment this if you are using NIS or LDAP to retrieve passwords:
#PersistentPasswd off
# Uncomment this if you would use TLS module:
#TLSEngine on
# Uncomment this if you would use quota module:
#Quotas on
# Uncomment this if you would use ratio module:
#Ratios on
# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port 21
# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30. If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value. Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd)
MaxInstances 30
# Set the user and group that the server normally runs at.
#User nobody
#Group nogroup
DefaultRoot /home/ftpuser/restricted
DefaultChdir /home/ftpuser/restricted
Meine passwd:
leecher:x:1003:1001:ftp leecher,,,:/home/ftpuser:/bin/bash
bei setzen von /bin/false kein login mehr möglich?
Meine group:
das verzeichnis:
drw------x 4 root root 4096 2004-08-19 02:05 ftpuser
drwxr-xr-x 2 root notrestricted 4096 2004-08-18 22:02 norestricted
drwxr-xr-x 2 root restricted 4096 2004-08-19 03:40 restricted
Mein Debug:
Wishmaster:/etc# proftpd -n -d9
- parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
- FS: using system open()
- FS: using system read()
- Compiling deny regex '\*.*/'.
- Allocated deny regex at location 0x80e35c8.
- FS: using system read()
- FS: using system read()
- FS: using system close()
localhost -
localhost - Config for Debian:
localhost - DeferWelcome
localhost - DefaultServer
localhost - ShowSymlinks
localhost - AllowOverwrite
localhost - TimeoutNoTransfer
localhost - TimeoutStalled
localhost - TimeoutIdle
localhost - DisplayLogin
localhost - DisplayFirstChdir
localhost - ListOptions
localhost - DenyFilter
localhost - RequireValidShell
localhost - DefaultRoot
localhost - DefaultChdir
localhost - SETUP PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2704
localhost - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1956
localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1962
localhost - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2323
localhost - opening scoreboard '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2347
localhost - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/inet.c:452
localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/inet.c:492
localhost - Failed binding to, port 21: Address already in use
localhost - Check the ServerType directive to ensure you are configured correctly.