# contributed by: # Kipp Cannon # # brand: # Philips # model no. of remote control: # KW-1009/01 # devices being controlled by this remote: # Computer # # Notes: # This is an IR keyboard using the 12-bit version of the Philips RC-MM # protocol. The first 2 bits are the mode, followed by 2 address bits. # This keyboard generates "keyboard" mode (10) codes for keyboard and mouse # buttons, and "mouse" mode (01) codes for the mouse thingy. The # keyboard's address bits are 00. I have combined the mode and address # bits into a 4-bit pre_data thingy for LIRC. Each key has a "_DN" version # and an "_UP" version for the codes generated when the key is pressed, and # released respectively. The names have been chosen to match those printed # by xmodmap. # # For the mouse pad, the 8 bits of data are divided up as follows. The low # 4 bits encode the direction in which the wheel is being pressed, by # indicating the angle as measured in the standard sense (0 to the right, # increasing counter clockwise). The high 4 bits encode the magnitude of # the press. I have not bothered entering codes for the mouse, because # LIRC isn't really the right way to handle this. # # Official timings from Philips documentation (microseconds): # header 417 278 # zero 167 278 # one 167 444 # two 167 611 # three 167 778 # ptrail 167 # # The timings below were obtained by collecting a great number of # statistics, and allow me to use the keyboard with it aimed at the # computer *and* while sitting facing away from the computer bouncing the # light off a wall. begin remote name PHILIPS-KW-1009-01-KEYBOARD flags RCMM|CONST_LENGTH aeps 75 frequency 36000 header 480 228 zero 216 228 one 216 395 two 216 559 three 216 726 ptrail 216 gap 27497 bits 8 pre_data_bits 4 pre_data 0x8 begin codes Escape_DN 0x01 F1_DN 0x02 F2_DN 0x03 F3_DN 0x04 F4_DN 0x05 F5_DN 0x06 F6_DN 0x07 F7_DN 0x08 F8_DN 0x09 F9_DN 0x0A F10_DN 0x0B grave_DN 0x14 1_DN 0x15 2_DN 0x16 3_DN 0x17 4_DN 0x18 5_DN 0x19 6_DN 0x1A 7_DN 0x1B 8_DN 0x1C 9_DN 0x1D 0_DN 0x1E minus_DN 0x1F equal_DN 0x20 BackSpace_DN 0x21 Tab_DN 0x22 q_DN 0x23 w_DN 0x24 e_DN 0x25 r_DN 0x26 t_DN 0x27 y_DN 0x28 u_DN 0x29 i_DN 0x2A o_DN 0x2B p_DN 0x2C bracketleft_DN 0x2D bracketright_DN 0x2E backslash_DN 0x2F Caps_Lock_DN 0x30 a_DN 0x31 s_DN 0x32 d_DN 0x33 f_DN 0x34 g_DN 0x35 h_DN 0x36 j_DN 0x37 k_DN 0x38 l_DN 0x39 semicolon_DN 0x3A apostrophe_DN 0x3B Return_DN 0x3C Shift_L_DN 0x3D z_DN 0x3E x_DN 0x3F c_DN 0x40 v_DN 0x41 b_DN 0x42 n_DN 0x43 m_DN 0x44 comma_DN 0x45 period_DN 0x46 slash_DN 0x47 Shift_R_DN 0x48 FN_DN 0x49 Control_L_DN 0x4A WINDOWS_DN 0x4B Alt_L_DN 0x4C space_DN 0x4D Alt_R_DN 0x4E Menu_DN 0x50 Print_DN 0x52 Scroll_Lock_DN 0x53 Pause_DN 0x54 Insert_DN 0x55 Delete_DN 0x58 Up_DN 0x5F Left_DN 0x61 Down_DN 0x62 Right_DN 0x63 Num_Lock_DN 0x64 Mouse_R_DN 0x7E Mouse_L_DN 0x7F Escape_UP 0x81 F1_UP 0x82 F2_UP 0x83 F3_UP 0x84 F4_UP 0x85 F5_UP 0x86 F6_UP 0x87 F7_UP 0x88 F8_UP 0x89 F9_UP 0x8A F10_UP 0x8B grave_UP 0x94 1_UP 0x95 2_UP 0x96 3_UP 0x97 4_UP 0x98 5_UP 0x99 6_UP 0x9A 7_UP 0x9B 8_UP 0x9C 9_UP 0x9D 0_UP 0x9E minus_UP 0x9F equal_UP 0xA0 BackSpace_UP 0xA1 Tab_UP 0xA2 q_UP 0xA3 w_UP 0xA4 e_UP 0xA5 r_UP 0xA6 t_UP 0xA7 y_UP 0xA8 u_UP 0xA9 i_UP 0xAA o_UP 0xAB p_UP 0xAC bracketleft_UP 0xAD bracketright_UP 0xAE backslash_UP 0xAF Caps_Lock_UP 0xB0 a_UP 0xB1 s_UP 0xB2 d_UP 0xB3 f_UP 0xB4 g_UP 0xB5 h_UP 0xB6 j_UP 0xB7 k_UP 0xB8 l_UP 0xB9 semicolon_UP 0xBA apostrophe_UP 0xBB Return_UP 0xBC Shift_L_UP 0xBD z_UP 0xBE x_UP 0xBF c_UP 0xC0 v_UP 0xC1 b_UP 0xC2 n_UP 0xC3 m_UP 0xC4 comma_UP 0xC5 period_UP 0xC6 slash_UP 0xC7 Shift_R_UP 0xC8 FN_UP 0xC9 Control_L_UP 0xCA WINDOWS_UP 0xCB Alt_L_UP 0xCC space_UP 0xCD Alt_R_UP 0xCE Menu_UP 0xD0 Print_UP 0xD2 Scroll_Lock_UP 0xD3 Pause_UP 0xD4 Insert_UP 0xD5 Delete_UP 0xD8 Up_UP 0xDF Left_UP 0xE1 Down_UP 0xE2 Right_UP 0xE3 Num_Lock_UP 0xE4 Mouse_R_UP 0xFE Mouse_L_UP 0xFF end codes end remote begin remote name PHILIPS-KW-1009-01-MOUSE flags RCMM|CONST_LENGTH aeps 75 frequency 36000 header 480 228 zero 216 228 one 216 395 two 216 559 three 216 726 ptrail 216 gap 27497 bits 8 pre_data_bits 4 pre_data 0x4 begin codes end codes end remote