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Ich habe 1 Direktive(n) gefunden in denen GroupOwner vorkommt

 Name GroupOwner Editieren
 SyntaxGroupOwner groupname
 Kontext<Anonymous> .ftpaccess <Directory>
 Ab Version0.99.0
 BeschreibungThe GroupOwner directive configures which group all newly created directories and files will be owned by, within the context that GroupOwner is applied to. The group ID of groupname cannot be 0. Note that GroupOwner cannot be used to override the host OS/file system user/group paradigm. If the current user is not a member of the specified group, new files and directories will not be able to be chown()ed to the GroupOwner group. If this happens, file STOR (send file from client to server) and MKD (mkdir) operations will succeed normally, however the new directory entries will be owned by the current user's default group (a warning message is also logged) instead of by the desired group. If you also use UserOwner in the same context, this restriction is lifted.
06.00.2003 20:02
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