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Ich habe 1 Direktive(n) gefunden in denen IfUser vorkommt

 Name <IfUser> Editieren
 Syntax<IfUser ["AND"|"OR"] user-expression|"regex" regexp>
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe <IfUser> context should contain any configuration directives that should be in effect for any sessions that match the user-OR-expression. The authenticated user must be one of the users listed in the expression for the directives contained to be applied. Note that ! notation in front of a user name in the expression is supported.
The given user-expression may optionally be prefixed with either the "AND" or "OR" keywords, which affect how the expression is evaluated: if "AND" is used, then all portions of the expression must evaluate to TRUE for the configuration context to be applied to the current session; if "OR" is used, then any portion of the expression must be TRUE for the context to be applied. The default setting for <IfUser> is "OR".
 Beispiel 1# Alter the view of files for everyone except the admin
  <IfUser !ftpadm>
    <Directory />
      DirFakeUser on ~
      DirFakeGroup on ~
      DirFakeMode 0440

  # Impose a PathDenyFilter on ftp users
  <IfUser regex ^ftp>
    PathDenyFilter .conf$
06.00.2003 20:02
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