ProFTPD Direktiven

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Ich habe 15 Direktive(n) für das Modul mod_wrap gefunden

 Name HostsAllowSyslogLevel Editieren
 SyntaxHostsAllowSyslogLevel facility-level
 KontextServer config <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.0
 BeschreibungProftpd can log when a connection is allowed as the result of a rule in the file specified in UseHostsAllowFile to the Unix syslog mechanism. A discussion on the facility levels which can be used is given in the SyslogFacility directive.
See Also: HostsDenySyslogLevel
 Beispiel 1HostsAllowSyslogLevel local3
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name HostsDenySyslogLevel Editieren
 SyntaxHostsDenySyslogLevel facility-level
 KontextServer config <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.0
 BeschreibungProftpd can log when a connection is rejected as the result of a rule in the file specified in UseHostsAllowFile to the Unix syslog mechanism. A discussion on the facility levels which can be used is given in the SyslogFacility directive
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name TCPAccessFiles Editieren
 SyntaxTCPAccessFiles allow-filename deny-filename
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.1
 BeschreibungTCPAccessFiles specifies two files, an allow and a deny file, each of which contain the IP addresses, networks or name-based masks to be allowed or denied connections to the server. The files have the same format as the standard tcpwrappers hosts.allow/deny files.
Both file names are required. Also, the paths to both files must be the full path, with two exceptions: if the path starts with ~/, the check of that path will be delayed until a user requests a connection, at which time the path will be resolved to that user's home directory; or if the path starts with ~user/, where user is some system user. In this latter case, mod_wrap will attempt to resolve and verify the given user's home directory on start-up.
The service name for which mod_wrap will look in the indicated access files is proftpd by default; this can be configured via the TCPServiceName directive. There is a built-in precedence to the TCPAccessFiles, TCPGroupAccessFiles, and TCPUserAccessFiles directives, if all are used. mod_wrap will look for applicable TCPUserAccessFiles for the connecting user first. If no applicable TCPUserAccessFiles is found, mod_wrap will search for TCPGroupAccessFiles which pertain to the connecting user. If not found, mod_wrap will then look for the server-wide TCPAccessFiles directive. This allows for access control to be set on a per-server basis, and allow for per-user or per-group access control to be handled without interfering with the server access rules.
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name TCPAccessSyslogLevels Editieren
 SyntaxTCPAccessSyslogLevels <match>; <remote-server>
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 StandardTCPAccessSyslogLevels info warn
 Ab Version1.2.1
 BeschreibungProFTPD can log when a connection is allowed, or denied, as the result of rules in the files specified in TCPAccessFiles, to the Unix syslog mechanism. A discussion on the syslog levels which can be used is given in the SyslogLevel directive
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name TCPServiceName Editieren
 SyntaxTCPServiceName [ name]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.1 and later
 BeschreibungTCPServiceName is used to configure the name of the service under which mod_wrap will check the allow/deny files. By default, this is the name of the program started, i.e. "proftpd". However, some administrators may want to use a different, more generic service name, such as "ftpd"; use this directive for such needs.
 Beispiel 1
 Beispiel 2
06.00.2003 21:02
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 Name UseHostsAllowFile Editieren
 SyntaxUseHostsAllowFile filename
 KontextServer config <VirtualHost> <Directory>
 Ab Version1.2.0
 BeschreibungDas "UseHostsAllowFile" gibt IP's, Netzwerke oder Domains an, denen der Zugriff zum erlaubt ist. Das Format ist das gleiche wie in den "hosts.allow" und "hosts.deny" Dateien.
 Beispiel 1UseHostsAllowFile /etc/ftpd.allow
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name UseHostsDenyFile Editieren
 SyntaxUseHostsDenyFile filename
 KontextServer config <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.0
 BeschreibungGibt das hosts.deny File für den IP basierten Sicherheitscheck an. Siehe auch UseHostsAllowFile.
 Beispiel 1UseHostsDenyFile /etc/ftpd.deny
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapAllowMsg Editieren
 SyntaxWrapAllowMsg mesg
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapAllowMsg directive configures a message that will be added to proftpd's response to the connecting client when that client is allowed by mod_wrap's access check. In the mesg parameter, the magic cookie '%u' is replaced with the username specified by the client during login
 Beispiel 1WrapAllowMsg "User '%u' allowed by access rules"
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapDenyMsg Editieren
 SyntaxWrapDenyMsg mesg
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapDenyMsg directive configures a message that will be sent to the connecting client when that client is denied by mod_wrap's access check, and disconnected. In the mesg parameter, the magic cookie '%u' is replaced with the username specified by the client during login.
 Beispiel 1WrapDenyMsg "User '%u' denied by access rules"
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapEngine Editieren
 SyntaxWrapEngine on|off
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapEngine directive enables or disables the module's runtime access control engine. If it is set to off this module does no runtime processing at all. Use this directive to disable the module instead of commenting out all mod_wrap directives
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapGroupTables Editieren
 SyntaxWrapGroupTables group-AND-expression source-type:allow-source-info source-info:deny-source-info
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapGroupTables directive configures the information necessary for mod_wrap to locate and use the tables containing the access rules for specific groups.

The group-AND-expression parameter is a logical AND expression, which means that the connecting user must be a member of all the groups listed for this directive to apply. Group names may be negated with a ! prefix.

The next two parameters specify two tables, an allow and a deny table, each of which contain the IP addresses, networks or host/network masks to be allowed or denied.

Please consult the relevant submodule documentation for details on that module's syntax for specifying tables. The service name for which mod_wrap will look in the indicated access tables is "proftpd" by default; this can be configured via the WrapServiceName, WrapTables, WrapUserTables
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapLog Editieren
 SyntaxWrapLog file|"none"
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapLog directive is used to a specify a log file for mod_wrap reporting, and can be done a per-server basis. The file parameter must be the full path to the file to use for logging. Note that this path must not be to a world-writeable directory and, unless AllowLogSymlinks is explicitly set to on (generally a bad idea), the path must not be a symbolic link.

If file is "none", no logging will be done at all; this setting can be used to override a WrapLog setting inherited from a <Global> context.
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapServiceName Editieren
 SyntaxWrapServiceName name
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungWrapServiceName is used to configure the name of the service under which mod_wrap will check the allow/deny tables. By default, this is the name of the program started, i.e. "proftpd". However, some administrators may want to use a different, more generic service name, such as "ftpd"; use this directive for such needs
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapTables Editieren
 SyntaxWrapTables source-type:allow-source-info source-info:deny-source-info
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapTables directive configures the information necessary for mod_wrap to locate and use the tables containing the access rules for all clients.

The two parameters specify two tables, an allow and a deny table, each of which contain the IP addresses, networks or host/network masks to be allowed or denied.

Please consult the relevant submodule documentation for details on that module's syntax for specifying tables. The service name for which mod_wrap will look in the indicated access tables is "proftpd" by default; this can be configured via the WrapGroupTables, WrapServiceName, WrapUserTables
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name WrapUserTables Editieren
 SyntaxWrapUserTables user-OR-expression source-type:allow-source-info source-info:deny-source-info
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous>
 Ab Version1.2.8rc1 and later
 BeschreibungThe WrapUserTables directive configures the information necessary for mod_wrap to locate and use the tables containing the access rules for specific users.

The user-OR-expression parameter is a logical OR expression, which means that the connecting user can be any the users listed for this directive to apply. User names may be negated with a ! prefix.

The next two parameters specify two tables, an allow and a deny table, each of which contain the IP addresses, networks or host/network masks to be allowed or denied.

Please consult the relevant submodule documentation for details on that module's syntax for specifying tables. The service name for which mod_wrap will look in the indicated access tables is "proftpd" by default; this can be configured via the WrapGroupTables, WrapServiceName, WrapTables
 Beispiel 1
 Beispiel 2
01.-1.2003 29:00
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