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Ich habe 9 Direktive(n) für das Modul mod_exec gefunden

 Name ExecBeforeCommand Editieren
 SyntaxExecBeforeCommand cmds path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
 StandardExecBeforeCommand cmds path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 Ab Version1.2.8 and later
 BeschreibungDie ExecBeforeCommand Direktive dient dazu, ein Programm oder Script im angegebenen Pfad auszuführen, bevor ein angegebenes FTP-Kommando ausgeführt wird. Es können mehrere Kommandos durch Kommatas getrennt eingegeben werden. Es ist auch möglich, die Kommandogruppen der <Limit> Direktive wie READ, WRITE, und ALL zu verwenden. Das Programm wird mit den Rechten des momentan angemeldeten Benutzers ausgeführt. Es kann eine beliebige Anzahl Argumente an das Script übergeben werden.

Zusätzlich werden die "Cookies" der ExecEnviron Direktive als Argumente unterstützt.

Wichtig: Die Verwendung von DefaultRoot verursacht noch Probleme, die demnächst analysiert werden.
 Beispiel 1ExecBeforeCommand RETR /path/to/ftp-prep --file %f
 Beispiel 2
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecEngine Editieren
 SyntaxExecEngine on|off
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecEngine directive enables or disables the module's runtime exec engine. If it is set to off this module will not manipulate environment variables or execute external scripts. Use this directive to disable the module instead of commenting out all mod_exec directives
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecEnviron Editieren
 SyntaxExecEnviron key value
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecEnviron directive is used to set the environment variables in the environment created for the script to be executed. The current environment is not passed directly to the script; this is to prevent unwanted information leakage. The given key parameter will be uppercased, to follow the convention for environment variable keys.

The value parameter may be any arbitrary string which may contain any of the following "cookies", which will be substituted with the corresponding value before the script is exected:

%a - client's IP address
%C - current working directory
%c - connection class
%F - transfered file as seen by client
%f - full transfered file path
%h - client's DNS name
%m - FTP command (e.g. RETR, STOR, etc)
%r - full FTP command
%U - original username sent by client
%u - local username
%v - name of server handling session
The value parameter may be also be "-", which indicates that the current value of the environment variable of name key should be used (e.g. PATH). If there is no environment of name key when "-" is used, it will be created with a blank string as the value.
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecLog Editieren
 SyntaxExecLog file|"none"
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecLog directive is used to a specify a log file for mod_exec reporting and debugging, and can be done a per-server basis. The file parameter must be the full path to the file to use for logging. Note that this path must not be to a world-writeable directory and, unless AllowLogSymlinks is explicitly set to on (generally a bad idea), the path must not be a symbolic link. If file is "none", no logging will be done at all; this setting can be used to override an ExecLog setting inherited from a <Global> context.
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecOnCommand Editieren
 SyntaxExecOnCommand cmds path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecOnCommand directive is used to execute the program or script at path after the successful completion of any FTP command listed in cmds, where cmds is a comma-delimited list of FTP commands. The command groups of the <Limit> directive, such as READ, WRITE, and ALL, may also be used. The program will be executed with the privileges of the logged-in user. Any number of arbitrary arguments may be configured to pass to the script. In addition, the "cookies" supported by the ExecEnviron directive may also be used in the script argument list.
Important: use of DefaultRoot will cause complications (to be elaborated upon soon)
 Beispiel 1ExecOnCommand APPE,STOR /path/to/ftp-email-script --user %u --file %f
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecOnConnect Editieren
 SyntaxExecOnConnect path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecOnConnect directive is used to execute the program or script at path whenever a client connects to the server. The program will be executed with the privileges of the contacted server, which are set via the User/Group directives. Any number of arbitrary arguments may be configured to pass to the script. In addition, the "cookies" supported by the ExecEnviron directive may also be used in the script argument list.
 Beispiel 1ExecOnConnect /path/to/ftp-logger --ip %a --dns %h
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecOnError Editieren
 SyntaxExecOnError cmds path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecOnError directive is used to execute the program or script at path if an error occurs while processing any FTP command listed in cmds, where cmds is a comma-delimited list of FTP commands. The command groups of the <Limit> directive, such as READ, WRITE, and ALL, may also be used. The program will be executed with the privileges of the logged-in user. Any number of arbitrary arguments may be configured to pass to the script. In addition, the "cookies" supported by the ExecEnviron directive may also be used in the script argument list.
Important: use of DefaultRoot will cause complications (to be elaborated upon soon).
 Beispiel 1ExecOnError APPE,STOR /path/to/ftp-cleanup-script --user %u --file %f
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecOnExit Editieren
 SyntaxExecOnExit path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
 Ab Version1.2.8 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecOnExit directive is used to execute the program or script at path whenever a client disconnects to the server. The program will be executed with the privileges of the contacted server, which are set via the User/Group directives. Any number of arbitrary arguments may be configured to pass to the script. In addition, the "cookies" supported by the ExecEnviron directive may also be used in the script argument list.
 Beispiel 1ExecOnExit /path/to/ftp-logger --ip %a --dns %h
06.00.2003 20:02
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 Name ExecOnRestart Editieren
 SyntaxExecOnRestart path [arg1 arg2 ...]
 KontextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
 Ab Version1.2.5rc2 and later
 BeschreibungThe ExecOnRestart directive is used to execute the program or script at path whenever the server receives a SIGHUP signal. The program will be executed with the privileges of the contacted server, which are set via the User/Group directives. Any number of arbitrary arguments may be configured to pass to the script. In addition, the "cookies" supported by the ExecEnviron directive may also be used in the script argument list.
 Beispiel 1ExecOnRestart /path/to/ftp-counter-reset
06.00.2003 20:02
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