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I've found 6 directive(s) which contains hid

SyntaxHideGroup groupid
Context<Anonymous> <Directory>
From version0.99.0
DescriptionThe HideGroup directive configures a <Directory> or < Anonymous> block to hide all directory entries owned by the specified group, unless the group is the primary group of the currently logged-in, authenticated user . Normally, hidden directories and files cannot be seen via LIST or NLST commands but can be operated on via other FTP commands (CWD, DELE, RETR, etc). This behavior can be modified via the IgnoreHidden directive.
06.00.2003 20:02
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SyntaxHideNoAccess on|off
Context<Anonymous> <Directory>
From version0.99.0
DescriptionThe HideNoAccess directive configures a <Directory> or <Anonymous> block to hide all directory entries in a directory listing (via the LIST or NLST FTP commands) to which the current logged-in, authenticated user has no access. Normal Unix-style permissions always apply, so that although a user may not be able to see a directory entry that has HideNoAccess applied, they will receive a normal "Permission denied" error message when attempting to blindly manipulate the file system object. The directory or file can be made completely invisible to all FTP commands by applying IgnoreHidden in conjunction with HideNoAccess.
06.00.2003 20:02
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SyntaxHideUser userid
Context<Anonymous> <Directory>
From version0.99.0
DescriptionThe HideUser directive configures a <Directory> or <Anonymous> block to hide all directory entries owned by the specified user, unless the owning user is the currently logged-in, authenticated user. Normally, hidden directories and files cannot be seen via LIST or NLST commands but can be operated on via other FTP commands (CWD, DELE, RETR, etc). This behavior can be modified via the IgnoreHidden directive.
06.00.2003 20:02
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SyntaxIgnoreHidden on|off
From version0.99.0
06.00.2003 20:02
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SyntaxHiddenStores on|off
ContextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Limit>
From version1.2.7rc1 and later
DescriptionThe HiddenStor directive enables two-step file uploads: files are uploaded as ".in.filename." and once the upload is complete, renamed to just "filename". This provides a degree of atomicity and helps prevent 1) incomplete uploads and 2) files being used while they're still in the progress of being uploaded. Note: if the temporary file name is already in use (e.g., a server crash during upload), it will prevent the file from being uploaded.
The REST (Restart STOR) command is automatically blocked when HiddenStor is enabled, with the server returning a 501 error code to the client.
Example 1
Example 2
02.00.2004 04:02
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SyntaxHideFiles [ [!]regexp|"none" ["user"|"group"|"class" expression]]
Context.ftpaccess <Directory>
From version1.2.7rc1
DescriptionThe HideFiles directive configures a <Directory> section to hide all directory entries, e.g. its files and sub-directories, that match the given regular expression. These files can still be operated on by other FTP commands (DELE, RETR, etc), as constrained by any applicable <Limit>s, but this can be modified using the IgnoreHidden directive. Note that this directive manipulates a file's "hidden-ness", but doesn't do any hiding by itself. A <Limit> section, with IgnoreHidden enabled, does the actual hiding of the files from the <Limit>ed commands.

As <Directory> configurations are inherited by sub-directories, the "none" parameter can be used to disable any inherited file hiding within a sub-directory, usually through the use of a .ftpaccess file.

The optional parameters are used to restrict the rule for hiding files only to specific users. If "user" restriction is given, then expression is a user-expression specifying to which users the rule applies. Similarly for the "group" restriction. For the "class" restriction, the expression is simply the name of connection class for whom the rule will apply.

An unrestricted HideFiles directive and an unrestriected ShowFiles directive cannot be used simultaneously in the context.

Example: # Hide configuration and passwd files from view HideFiles "(\.conf|passwd)$" # ...or the same regex, without the quotes HideFiles (\.conf|passwd)$ # Hide those same files from everyone _except_ a special user HideFiles (\.conf|passwd)$ user !tj # Using the ! prefix to "invert" the regular expression matching, # allow only .txt and .html files to be seen HideFiles !(\.txt|\.html)$ # Only let users of the webmaster group see HTML files, but nothing else HideFiles !(\.htm|\.html)$ group webmaster

See Also: HideGroup, HideUser, HideNoAccess
Example 1Beispiel:
# Hide configuration and passwd files from view
HideFiles "(\.conf|passwd)$" 

# ...or the same regex, without the quotes 
HideFiles (\.conf|passwd)$ 

# Hide those same files from everyone _except_ a special user named "tj"
HideFiles (\.conf|passwd)$ user !tj 

# Using the ! prefix to "invert" the regular expression matching, 
# allow only .txt and .html files to be seen 
HideFiles !(\.txt|\.html)$ 

# Only let users of the webmaster group see HTML files, but nothing else
HideFiles !(\.htm|\.html)$ group webmaster
Example 2
05.00.2004 02:01
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