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I've found 1 directive(s) which contains MaxStoreFileSize

SyntaxMaxStoreFileSize [ number|"*" units ["user"|"group"|"class" expression]]
ContextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> .ftpaccess <Directory>
From version1.2.7rc1 and later
DescriptionWhen uploading files from a client (eg serving a STOR request), the server will check for any configured limit against the size of the file being sent, and abort any transfers if/when the given file's size exceeds the configured limit.

A single "*" argument configures unlimited file sizes, and is used primarily to override any inherited restrictions from higher contexts. The given number is the number of bytes for the limit, and is followed by a units specifier of (case-insensitive) "Gb" (Gigabytes), "Mb" (Megabytes), "Kb" (Kilobytes), or "B" (bytes). The given number of bytes is multiplied by the appropriate factor.

Weiterhin kann man durch die Angabe eines Users, einer Gruppe oder ein Klasse die Ausfuehrung des Befehls aus eben diese beschraenken. Sollte dabei keine Angabe zutreffen, so wird der Befehl dann nicht ausgefuehrt.

Ausserdem: MaxRetrieveFileSize
Example 1# Restrict upload to only 3 megabytes
MaxStoreFileSize 3 Mb
Example 2# Restrict anonymous uploads to 50k, 
# but allow unlimited upload size for everyone else
MaxStoreFileSize 50 Kb user anonymous
MaxStoreFileSize *
02.00.2004 04:02
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