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I've found 1 directive(s) for Module mod_exec

SyntaxExecBeforeCommand cmds path [arg1 arg2 ...]
ContextServer config <Global> <VirtualHost> <Anonymous> <Directory>
StandardExecBeforeCommand cmds path [arg1 arg2 ...]
From version1.2.8 and later
DescriptionThe ExecBeforeCommand directive is used to execute the program or script at path before the handling of any FTP command listed in cmds, where cmds is a comma-delimited list of FTP commands. The command groups of the <Limit> directive, such as READ, WRITE, and ALL, may also be used. The program will be executed with the privileges of the logged-in user.

Any number of arbitrary arguments may be configured to pass to the script. In addition, the "cookies" supported by the ExecEnviron directive may also be used in the script argument list.

Important: use of DefaultRoot will cause complications (to be elaborated upon soon).
Example 1ExecBeforeCommand RETR /path/to/ftp-prep --file %f
Example 2
06.00.2003 20:02
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