
ProFTPD => ProFTPD - Deutsch => Thema gestartet von: Wörsty am 13. Oktober 2003, 12:16:41

Titel: mod_conf_sql und proftpd 1.2.9RC2p
Beitrag von: Wörsty am 13. Oktober 2003, 12:16:41
Meine funktionierende Konfig habe ich mit
[root@knowledgebase scripts]# ./conf2sql.pl --dbdriver=mysql --dbname=ftp --dbuser=ftp --dbpass=ftp --dbserver=localhost --verbose /www/conf/proftpd.conf  

umgewandelt und danach kann ich mich nicht mehr einloggen:
[root@knowledgebase root]# proftpd -nd9
 - parsing '/www/conf/proftpd.conf' configuration
 - FS: using sqlconf open()
 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - parsing 'sql://ftp:ftp@localhost/db:ftp/ctxt:ftpctxt/conf:ftpconf/map:ftpmap' configuration
 - FS: using sqlconf open()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: db.user: 'ftp'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: db.server: 'localhost'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: db.database: 'ftp'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.tab: 'ftpctxt'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.id: 'id'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.parent_id: 'parent_id'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.name: 'name'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.value: 'value'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: conf.tab: 'ftpconf'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: conf.id: 'id'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: conf.name: 'name'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: conf.value: 'value'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: map.tab: 'ftpmap'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: map.conf_id: 'conf_id'
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: map.ctxt_id: 'ctxt_id'
 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AccessDenyMsg "Zugriff verweigert! (%u)"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AccessGrantMsg "Herzlich Willkommen %u!"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowFilter "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*"

 - Compiling allow regex '^[a-zA-Z0-9]*'.
 - Allocated allow regex at location 0x80cf348.
 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowForeignAddress On

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowOverwrite Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowRetrieveRestart On

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowStoreRestart On

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: AuthAliasOnly Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: TransferRate RETR,STOR 4096:52428800

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DeleteAbortedStores On

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DirFakeGroup On ftp

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DirFakeMode 700

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DirFakeUser On ftp

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayConnect /www/vhosts/ftp/121/.DisplayConnect.msg

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayFirstChdir .DisplayFirstChdir.msg

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayGoAway .DisplayGoAway.msg

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayLogin .DisplayLogin.msg

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayQuit .DisplayQuit.msg

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ExtendedLog /www/vhosts/administration/linux/logfiles/proftpd_queue.log ALL ftpqueue

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLogfile /www/vhosts/administration/linux/logfiles/proftpd_queue_sql.log

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: HiddenStor Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: IdentLookups Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxClients 15 "FEHLER: Es sind bereits %m Benutzer    verbunden!"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxClientsPerHost 10 "FEHLER: Sie     (%u) sind bereits 10x verbunden!"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxHostsPerUser 20 "FEHLER: Dieser Benutzer ist       bereits von %m Rechnern verbunden!"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: LoginPasswordPrompt Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: MasqueradeAddress kb.de.nx1

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxLoginAttempts 2

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: PathDenyFilter "(\\.ftpaccess)|(\\.htaccess)|(\\.DisplayConnect.msg)|(\\.DisplayFirstChdir.msg)|(\\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\\.DisplayLogin.msg)|(\\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\\.DisplayQuit.msg)"

 - Compiling deny regex '(\.ftpaccess)|(\.htaccess)|(\.DisplayConnect.msg)|(\.DisplayFirstChdir.msg)|(\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\.DisplayLogin.msg)|(\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\.DisplayQuit.msg)'.
 - Allocated deny regex at location 0x80cf158.
 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: Port 121

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: RequireValidShell Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ServerAdmin christian.woestenfeld@nextiraone.de

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ServerIdent On        "NetxiraOne Knowledgebase - FTP-Warteschlange"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ServerName "Knowledgebase - Warteschlange"

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: ShowSymlinks On

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SyslogLevel notice

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLAuthenticate users*

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLAuthTypes Backend

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLConnectInfo ebd@localhost:3306 ftp ftp PERSESSION

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLDefaultGID 502

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLDefaultUID 502

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLHomedirOnDemand On

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog PASS  updatecount

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog PASS  letzter_zugriff

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog DELE  delfile

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog RETR  getfile

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog *  history

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLOG ERR_* history_err

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery updatecount     UPDATE "ftp_login_count=ftp_login_count+1 WHERE loginname='%u'" users

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery letzter_zugriff UPDATE "last_ftp_login = now() where loginname = '%u'" users

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery delfile         UPDATE "deleted ='ja' where loginname = '%u' and        dateiname = '%f'" ftp_query

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery getfile         UPDATE "downloadcount = downloadcount + 1, last_download = now() where fullpath =       '%f' and loginname = '%u'" ftp_query

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery history         INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'ok', NULL" ftp_history

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery history_err     INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'nicht ok', NULL" ftp_history

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLUserInfo users loginname   passwort users_id NULL concat('/www/vhosts/ftp/121/',loginname) NULL

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutLogin 30

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutIdle 3600

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutNoTransfer 3600

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutStalled 3300

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimesGMT Off

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: Umask 0111 0000

 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - FS: using system close()
 - FS: using sqlconf read()
 - FS: using system close()
ber06075 - masquerading as
ber06075 -
ber06075 - Config for Knowledgebase - Warteschlange:
ber06075 - AccessDenyMsg
ber06075 - AccessGrantMsg
ber06075 - AllowFilter
ber06075 - AllowForeignAddress
ber06075 - AllowOverwrite
ber06075 - AllowRetrieveRestart
ber06075 - AllowStoreRestart
ber06075 - AuthAliasOnly
ber06075 - TransferRate
ber06075 - DeleteAbortedStores
ber06075 - DirFakeGroup
ber06075 - DirFakeMode
ber06075 - DirFakeUser
ber06075 - DisplayConnect
ber06075 - DisplayFirstChdir
ber06075 - DisplayGoAway
ber06075 - DisplayLogin
ber06075 - DisplayQuit
ber06075 - ExtendedLog
ber06075 - SQLLogFile
ber06075 - HiddenStores
ber06075 - IdentLookups
ber06075 - MaxClients
ber06075 - MaxClientsPerHost
ber06075 - MaxHostsPerUser
ber06075 - LoginPasswordPrompt
ber06075 - MasqueradeAddress
ber06075 - MaxLoginAttempts
ber06075 - PathDenyFilter
ber06075 - RequireValidShell
ber06075 - ServerIdent
ber06075 - ShowSymlinks
ber06075 - SyslogLevel
ber06075 - SQLAuthenticate
ber06075 - SQLAuthTypes
ber06075 - SQLConnectInfo
ber06075 - SQLDefaultGID
ber06075 - SQLDefaultUID
ber06075 - SQLHomedirOnDemand
ber06075 - SQLLog_PASS
ber06075 - SQLLog_PASS
ber06075 - SQLLog_DELE
ber06075 - SQLLog_RETR
ber06075 - SQLLog_*
ber06075 - SQLLog_ERR_*
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_letzter_zugriff
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_delfile
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_getfile
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_history
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_history_err
ber06075 - SQLUserTable
ber06075 - SQLUsernameField
ber06075 - SQLPasswordField
ber06075 - SQLUidField
ber06075 - SQLHomedirField
ber06075 - TimeoutLogin
ber06075 - TimeoutIdle
ber06075 - TimeoutNoTransfer
ber06075 - TimeoutStalled
ber06075 - TimesGMT
ber06075 - Umask
ber06075 - DirUmask
ber06075 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: fs unregistered
ber06075 - SETUP PRIVS at main.c:2711
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1953
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1959
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2320
ber06075 - opening scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2344
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:452
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:510
ber06075 - ProFTPD 1.2.9rc2 (devel) (built Fre Okt 10 15:12:10 CEST 2003) standalone mode STARTUP
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2168
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2174
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1145
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1149
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
ber06075 (ber07220.de.nx1[]) - ident lookup disabled
ber06075 (ber07220.de.nx1[]) - performing module session initializations
ber06075 (ber07220.de.nx1[]) - ROOT PRIVS at mod_sql.c:3630
ber06075 (ber07220.de.nx1[]) - RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_sql.c:3632
ber06075 (ber07220.de.nx1[]) - error deleting scoreboard entry: Invalid argument
ber06075 (ber07220.de.nx1[]) - FTP session closed.
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()

Das SQL-Log zeigt, dass der Username für die DB Schrott ist.
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: >>> sql_getconf
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: entering   mysql cmd_defineconnection
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]:  name: 'default'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]:  user: 'Lg
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]:  host: 'localhost'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]:    db: 'ebd'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]:  port: '3306'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]:   ttl: '0'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: exiting    mysql cmd_defineconnection
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: entering   mysql cmd_open
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: exiting    mysql cmd_open
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: unrecoverable backend error
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: error: '1045'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: message: 'Access denied for user: 'Lg
                                                                         @localhost' (Using password: YES)'

Kennt jemand das Problem?

Titel: mod_conf_sql und proftpd 1.2.9RC2p
Beitrag von: Wörsty am 21. Oktober 2003, 10:51:47
Geht auch in 1.2.9rc3 nicht.
TJ weiß Bescheid:
Ah, right.  Now I remember why this isn't supported yet -- the requirement of mod_conf_sql to lookup the "server config" context ID.
  I'm thinking that even with an Include directive in the "server config" context, that requirement will cause problems.

It may have to wait for a future release of mod_conf_sql, which will allow you to specify what the target context is for the configuration being loaded from the SQL tables...

Mal sehen was kommt. :D

Titel: RE Mysql
Beitrag von: RemsGHost am 21. Oktober 2003, 19:18:06
Zitat von: "Wörsty"
Geht auch in 1.2.9rc3 nicht.
TJ weiß Bescheid:
Ah, right.  Now I remember why this isn't supported yet -- the requirement of mod_conf_sql to lookup the "server config" context ID.
  I'm thinking that even with an Include directive in the "server config" context, that requirement will cause problems.

It may have to wait for a future release of mod_conf_sql, which will allow you to specify what the target context is for the configuration being loaded from the SQL tables...

Mal sehen was kommt. :D

.. fix on the way... wan fertig ? NO date now.