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1  ProFTPD / ProFTPD - Deutsch / Debian - mod_sql - Fragen am: 19. März 2005, 11:48:29

habe bereits einiges über die Probleme mit ProFTPd in Verbindung mit Debian hier gelesen.
Da ich mir aber nicht sicher bin ob meine Probleme darauf beruhen hier nochmals meine Frage !

1. mal Informationen zu meinem System :
- Debian 3.0 "Woody"
- Kernel 2.6.11-3
- MySQL 4.1.10a
- ProFTPd 1.2.10 (von hier geladen)

Nach einigen Recherchen habe ich es auch hinbekommen ProFTPd zu compilieren.
Nun habe ich die Standardconfig einfach um die SQL Abfragen erweitert um es zu testen. Das funktioniert auch soweit - nur der Login schlägt mit der Meldung "530 Login incorrect"  fehl.

Nun bin ich mir nicht sicher ob das an dem Debian Problem liegt oder an meinen Configs !
Daher hier mal meine Configs und Ausgaben :

proftpd.conf :

# This is a basic ProFTPD configuration file (rename it to
# 'proftpd.conf' for actual use.  It establishes a single server
# and a single anonymous login.  It assumes that you have a user/group
# "nobody" and "ftp" for normal operation and anon.

ServerName                      "ProFTPD Default Installation"
ServerType                      standalone
DefaultServer                   on

# Port 21 is the standard FTP port.
Port                            21

# Umask 022 is a good standard umask to prevent new dirs and files
# from being group and world writable.
Umask                           022

# To prevent DoS attacks, set the maximum number of child processes
# to 30.  If you need to allow more than 30 concurrent connections
# at once, simply increase this value.  Note that this ONLY works
# in standalone mode, in inetd mode you should use an inetd server
# that allows you to limit maximum number of processes per service
# (such as xinetd).
MaxInstances                    30

# Set the user and group under which the server will run.
User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup

# To cause every FTP user to be "jailed" (chrooted) into their home
# directory, uncomment this line.
#DefaultRoot ~

# Normally, we want files to be overwriteable.
<Directory />
  AllowOverwrite                on

# A basic anonymous configuration, no upload directories.  If you do not
# want anonymous users, simply delete this entire <Anonymous> section.
#<Anonymous ~ftp>
#  User                          ftp
#  Group                         ftp
#  # We want clients to be able to login with "anonymous" as well as "ftp"
#  UserAlias                     anonymous ftp

#  # Limit the maximum number of anonymous logins
#  MaxClients                    10
#  # We want 'welcome.msg' displayed at login, and '.message' displayed
#  # in each newly chdired directory.
#  DisplayLogin                  welcome.msg
#  DisplayFirstChdir             .message
#  # Limit WRITE everywhere in the anonymous chroot
#  <Limit WRITE>
#    DenyAll
#  </Limit>

RequireValidShell off

SQLAuthTypes Plaintext
SQLAuthenticate users*
SQLConnectInfo provider@localhost root ********
SQLDefaultGID 65534
SQLDefaultUID 65534
SQLMinUserGID 100
SQLMinUserUID 500
SQLUserInfo ftp username password uid gid homedir shell

SQLLOGFILE /var/log/proftpd.sql.log

proftpd -nd9 :

 - parsing '/usr/local/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
 - FS: using system open()
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'ServerName' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'ServerType' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'DefaultServer' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'Port' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'Umask' to module mod_core
 - dispatching directive 'MaxInstances' to module mod_core
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'User' to module mod_core
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching directive 'Group' to module mod_core
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching directive '<Directory>' to module mod_core
 - <Directory />: adding section for resolved path '/'
 - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer
 - dispatching directive '</Directory>' to module mod_core
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching directive 'RequireValidShell' to module mod_auth
 - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthTypes' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthenticate' to module mod_sql
 - SQLAuthenticate: use of * in SQLAuthenticate has been deprecated.  Use AuthOrder for setting authoritativeness
 - dispatching directive 'SQLConnectInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultGID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultUID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserGID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserUID' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLUserInfo' to module mod_sql
 - dispatching directive 'SQLLogFile' to module mod_sql
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system close()
earth -
earth - Config for ProFTPD Default Installation:
earth - /
earth -  AllowOverwrite
earth -  Umask
earth -  RequireValidShell
earth -  SQLAuthTypes
earth -  SQLAuthenticate
earth -  SQLConnectInfo
earth -  SQLDefaultGID
earth -  SQLDefaultUID
earth -  SQLMinUserGID
earth -  SQLMinUserUID
earth - DefaultServer
earth - Umask
earth - UserID
earth - UserName
earth - GroupID
earth - GroupName
earth - RequireValidShell
earth - SQLAuthTypes
earth - SQLAuthenticate
earth - SQLConnectInfo
earth - SQLDefaultGID
earth - SQLDefaultUID
earth - SQLMinUserGID
earth - SQLMinUserUID
earth - SQLUserTable
earth - SQLUsernameField
earth - SQLPasswordField
earth - SQLUidField
earth - SQLGidField
earth - SQLHomedirField
earth - SQLShellField
earth - SQLLogFile
earth - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_sql
earth - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
earth - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
earth - SETUP PRIVS at main.c:2733
earth - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1967
earth - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1974
earth - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2322
earth - deleting existing scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
earth - opening scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
earth - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2348
earth - ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:322
earth - RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:380
earth - ProFTPD 1.2.10 (stable) (built Sat Mar 19 00:30:45 CET 2005) standalone mode STARTUP
earth - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2185
earth - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2187
earth - FS: using system lstat()

Hier der Auszug aus der sql.log :

Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: >>> sql_getconf
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]:  name: 'default'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]:  user: 'root'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]:  host: 'localhost'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]:    db: 'provider'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]:  port: '3306'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]:   ttl: '0'
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_open
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: connection 'default' opened
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: connection 'default' count is now 1
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_open
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: backend successfully connected.
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: mod_sql status     : on
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: negative_cache     : off
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: authenticate       : users
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: usertable          : ftp
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: userid field       : username
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: password field     : password
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: uid field          : uid
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: gid field          : gid
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: homedir field      : homedir
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: shell field        : shell
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: homedirondemand    : false
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: SQLMinUserUID      : 500
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: SQLMinUserGID      : 100
Mar 19 11:44:34 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: <<< sql_getconf
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: >>> cmd_getpwnam
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_escapestring
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_escapestring
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: cache miss for user 'urgewalt'
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: : entering         mysql cmd_select
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_open
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: connection 'default' count is now 2
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_open
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: query "SELECT username, password, uid, gid, homedir, shell FROM ftp WHERE (username
='urgewalt') LIMIT 1"
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_close
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: connection 'default' count is now 1
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_close
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_select
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: cache miss for user 'urgewalt'
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: user 'urgewalt' cached
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: + pwd.pw_name  : urgewalt
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: + pwd.pw_uid   : 65534
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: + pwd.pw_gid   : 65534
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: + pwd.pw_dir   : /hosting/www/urgewalt
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: + pwd.pw_shell : /bin/false
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: <<< cmd_getpwnam
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: >>> cmd_auth
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_escapestring
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_escapestring
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: cache hit for user 'urgewalt'
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: >>> cmd_check
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: checking auth_type Plaintext
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: <<< cmd_check
Mar 19 11:44:47 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: <<< cmd_auth
Mar 19 11:44:50 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: entering   mysql cmd_close
Mar 19 11:44:50 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: connection 'default' closed
Mar 19 11:44:50 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: connection 'default' count is now 0
Mar 19 11:44:50 mod_sql/4.11[19999]: exiting    mysql cmd_close
2  ProFTPD / ProFTPD - Deutsch / Proftpd + mod_sql am: 24. März 2004, 09:46:22
Moin !


Das habe ich dann jetzt auch mal gemacht - und siehe da es funktioniert.

Dabei hat sich herausgestellt das einige MySQL Header fehlten.
Habe bis jetzt immer mit dem Paketmanager von Debian gearbeitet und daher nicht viel Erfahrung mit dem compilieren.

Daher jetzt gleich noch 2 Fragen :
- Welche Module sollten noch mit eincompiliert werden ?
- Und wie passe ich die installationspfade an ?

Denn nun ist proftpd in /usr/local/ installiert !
Und ich hätte das Ganze gerne wieder in den Standardpfaden von Debian !?

Schonmal Danke für die Hilfe  :wink:
3  ProFTPD / ProFTPD - Deutsch / Proftpd + mod_sql am: 23. März 2004, 14:35:33
Also langsam bin ich wirklich am verzweifeln ...

Habe mich nun zum Xten Male durch Web gegoogelt und bin leider mit meinem Problem immer noch nicht weiter !

Hier noch eine weitere Ergänzung :

sonne:/var/log# proftpd -l
Compiled-in modules:
sonne:/var/log# proftpd -t
Checking syntax of configuration file
Syntax check complete.

Also sieht das für mich alles OK aus !?

Hat vielleicht noch Jemand eine Idee woran es hängen könnte ?
4  ProFTPD / ProFTPD - Deutsch / Proftpd + mod_sql am: 23. März 2004, 09:20:21
Dann bin ich wohl zumindestens auf dem richtigen Weg was die Fehlerbehebung anbelangt ...

Muß ich also nur noch herausfinden warum das so ist  :?
5  ProFTPD / ProFTPD - Deutsch / Proftpd + mod_sql am: 23. März 2004, 08:40:39
Hier noch ein Nachtrag im Debug Modus :

sonne:~# proftpd -d9 -n
 - parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
 - FS: using system open()
 - FS: using system read()
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_radius
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_radius
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - <Directory />: adding section for resolved path '/'
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system read()
 - <Directory /*>: adding section for resolved path '/*'
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system close()
sonne.g-access.net -
sonne.g-access.net - Config for sonne.g-access.net:
sonne.g-access.net - /www/
sonne.g-access.net -  /*
sonne.g-access.net -   Limit
sonne.g-access.net -    AllowAll
sonne.g-access.net -   Limit
sonne.g-access.net -    AllowAll
sonne.g-access.net -   RequireValidShell
sonne.g-access.net -   MaxClients
sonne.g-access.net -   DisplayLogin
sonne.g-access.net -   DisplayFirstChdir
sonne.g-access.net -   ShowSymlinks
sonne.g-access.net -   AllowOverwrite
sonne.g-access.net -   TransferLog
sonne.g-access.net -   Umask
sonne.g-access.net -   DirUmask
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLAuthTypes
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLAuthenticate
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLConnectInfo
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLDefaultGID
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLDefaultUID
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLMinUserGID
sonne.g-access.net -   SQLMinUserUID
sonne.g-access.net -  UserName
sonne.g-access.net -  GroupName
sonne.g-access.net -  AnonRequirePassword
sonne.g-access.net -  RequireValidShell
sonne.g-access.net -  MaxClients
sonne.g-access.net -  DisplayLogin
sonne.g-access.net -  DisplayFirstChdir
sonne.g-access.net -  ShowSymlinks
sonne.g-access.net -  AllowOverwrite
sonne.g-access.net -  TransferLog
sonne.g-access.net -  Umask
sonne.g-access.net -  DirUmask
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLAuthTypes
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLAuthenticate
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLConnectInfo
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLDefaultGID
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLDefaultUID
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLMinUserGID
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLMinUserUID
sonne.g-access.net - /
sonne.g-access.net -  AllowOverwrite
sonne.g-access.net -  ShowSymlinks
sonne.g-access.net -  DisplayLogin
sonne.g-access.net -  DisplayFirstChdir
sonne.g-access.net -  TransferLog
sonne.g-access.net -  Umask
sonne.g-access.net -  DirUmask
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLAuthTypes
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLAuthenticate
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLConnectInfo
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLDefaultGID
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLDefaultUID
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLMinUserGID
sonne.g-access.net -  SQLMinUserUID
sonne.g-access.net - DeferWelcome
sonne.g-access.net - ShowSymlinks
sonne.g-access.net - DefaultServer
sonne.g-access.net - ShowSymlinks
sonne.g-access.net - AllowOverwrite
sonne.g-access.net - TimeoutStalled
sonne.g-access.net - TimeoutIdle
sonne.g-access.net - DisplayLogin
sonne.g-access.net - DisplayFirstChdir
sonne.g-access.net - TransferLog
sonne.g-access.net - Umask
sonne.g-access.net - DirUmask
sonne.g-access.net - UserID
sonne.g-access.net - UserName
sonne.g-access.net - GroupID
sonne.g-access.net - GroupName
sonne.g-access.net - SQLAuthTypes
sonne.g-access.net - SQLAuthenticate
sonne.g-access.net - SQLConnectInfo
sonne.g-access.net - SQLDefaultGID
sonne.g-access.net - SQLDefaultUID
sonne.g-access.net - SQLMinUserGID
sonne.g-access.net - SQLMinUserUID
sonne.g-access.net - SQLUserTable
sonne.g-access.net - SQLUsernameField
sonne.g-access.net - SQLPasswordField
sonne.g-access.net - SQLUidField
sonne.g-access.net - SQLGidField
sonne.g-access.net - SQLHomedirField
sonne.g-access.net - SQLShellField
sonne.g-access.net - SQLLogFile
sonne.g-access.net - DisplayLogin
sonne.g-access.net - DisplayFirstChdir
sonne.g-access.net - IdentLookups
sonne.g-access.net - ExtendedLog
sonne.g-access.net - ExtendedLog
sonne.g-access.net - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_radius
sonne.g-access.net - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_sql
sonne.g-access.net - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
sonne.g-access.net - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
sonne.g-access.net - SETUP PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2704
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1956
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1962
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2323
sonne.g-access.net - opening scoreboard '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2347
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/inet.c:452
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/inet.c:510
sonne.g-access.net - ProFTPD 1.2.9 (stable) (built do mrt 22 18:28:32 CET 2001) standalone mode STARTUP
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2171
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2177
sonne.g-access.net - FS: using system lstat()
sonne.g-access.net - scrubbing scoreboard
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:194
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:201
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:223
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:251
sonne.g-access.net - FS: using system lstat()
sonne.g-access.net - scrubbing scoreboard
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:194
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:201
sonne.g-access.net - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:223
sonne.g-access.net - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../modules/mod_core.c:251
sonne.g-access.net - FS: using system lstat()
6  ProFTPD / ProFTPD - Deutsch / Proftpd + mod_sql am: 22. März 2004, 15:12:38
Hallo !

Ich weiß das dieses Thema hier schon oft besprochen wurde ...
Aber einen Lösungsansatz für mein Problem habe ich über die Suche nicht finden können !

Ich habe Proftpd 1.2.9 auf einem Debian Woody mit Kernel 2.4.25 installiert.
MySQL version ist 4.0.18.

Dies läuft ohne mod_sql auch einwandfrei.
Nun habe ich die mod_sql funktionen eingebunden und bekomme folgende Fehlermeldung :
ftp localhost
Connected to sonne.g-access.net.
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection

Meine Config :
ServerName                      "sonne.g-access.net"
ServerType                      standalone
DeferWelcome                    off

ShowSymlinks                    on
MultilineRFC2228                on
DefaultServer                   on
ShowSymlinks                    on
AllowOverwrite                  on

TimeoutStalled                  1200
TimeoutIdle                     2400

DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
DisplayFirstChdir               .message
UseReverseDNS                   on

TransferLog /var/log/proftpd.log
LogFormat       default "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"
LogFormat       auth    "%v [%P] %h %t \"%r\" %s"
LogFormat       write   "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %s %b"

Port                            21

Umask                           022  022

MaxInstances                    30

User                            nobody
Group                           nogroup

<Directory />
AllowOverwrite                  on

DisplayLogin                    welcome.msg
DisplayFirstChdir               readme

AllowOverwrite                  yes

IdentLookups                    off

ExtendedLog     /var/log/proftpd_access.log WRITE,READ write
ExtendedLog     /var/log/proftpd_auth.log AUTH auth


### SQL Section

SQLAuthTypes                    Plaintext
SQLAuthenticate                 users*
SQLConnectInfo                  proftpd@localhost root *******
SQLDefaultGID                   65534
SQLDefaultUID                   65534
SQLMinUserGID                   100
SQLMinUserUID                   500
SQLUserInfo                     ftp username password uid gid homedir shell

SQLLogFile /var/log/proftpd_sql.log
SystemLog /var/log/proftpd_sys.log  

Der Root Zugriff auf die DB ist zur Zeit nur in der Testphase und wird danach abgeändert !

Die Systemlog wirf das aus :
Mar 22 14:36:45 sonne.g-access.net proftpd[5635] sonne.g-access.net: ProFTPD 1.2.9 (stable) (built do mrt 22 18:28:32 CET 2001) stan
dalone mode STARTUP
Mar 22 14:43:29 sonne.g-access.net proftpd[5635] sonne.g-access.net: ProFTPD killed (signal 15)
Mar 22 14:43:29 sonne.g-access.net proftpd[5635] sonne.g-access.net: ProFTPD 1.2.9 standalone mode SHUTDOWN
Mar 22 14:43:31 sonne.g-access.net proftpd[5681] sonne.g-access.net: ProFTPD 1.2.9 (stable) (built do mrt 22 18:28:32 CET 2001) stan
dalone mode STARTUP

Und die SQLlog dieses :
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]: >>> sql_getconf
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]: entering    mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]:  name: 'default'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]:  user: 'root'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]:  host: 'localhost'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]:    db: 'proftpd'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]:  port: '3306'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]:   ttl: '0'
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]: exiting     mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 22 14:37:07 mod_sql/4.10[5639]: entering    mysql cmd_open
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]: >>> sql_getconf
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]: entering    mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]:  name: 'default'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]:  user: 'root'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]:  host: 'localhost'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]:    db: 'proftpd'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]:  port: '3306'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]:   ttl: '0'
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]: exiting     mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 22 14:44:00 mod_sql/4.10[5683]: entering    mysql cmd_open
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]: backend api    'mod_sql_api_v1'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]: >>> sql_getconf
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]: entering    mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]:  name: 'default'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]:  user: 'root'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]:  host: 'localhost'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]:    db: 'proftpd'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]:  port: '3306'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]:   ttl: '0'
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]: exiting     mysql cmd_defineconnection
Mar 22 15:01:45 mod_sql/4.10[5697]: entering    mysql cmd_open

Meine DB sieht dazu so aus :

Database: proftpd  Table: ftp  Rows: 1
| Field           | Type               | Null | Key | Default | Extra          | Privileges                      |
| username        | varchar(60) binary | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| uid             | int(11)            | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| gid             | int(11)            | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| password        | varchar(30)        | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| homedir         | varchar(250)       | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| count           | int(11)            | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| ui              | bigint(20)         |      | PRI |         | auto_increment | select,insert,update,references |
| shell           | varchar(60)        | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| letzter_zugriff | datetime           | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |
| zugang          | char(1)            | YES  |     |         |                | select,insert,update,references |

Ich würde das jetzt so interpretieren das ich zwar eine Verbindung zur DB bekomme aber die Table nicht ausgelesen wird !?

Es wäre schön wenn mich Jemand in die Richtige Richtung stubsen würde  :wink:
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