Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: Flo am 28. Juni 2004, 09:55:50 Hallo,
*gleichmalduck* :oops: ich hab schon wahnsinnig viel infos finden können wie man ProFTPD mit mysql Installiert. Ich bin auch darauf gestoßen das in Debian fehlerhaft MySQL pakete enthalten sind. :evil: Ich habe versucht ProFTPD mit diesen .deb Paketen zu installieren http://sven.stormbind.net/proftpd/debian hat aber nicht funktioniert da immer Abhängigkeitsprobleme mit dem common Paket auftraten die ich (noch NewBie) aber nicht beseitigen konnte! :cry: Dann hab ichs mit ftp://ftp.proftpd.de/Development/proftpd-1.2.10rc1_debian.tar.gz versucht, nach der Anleitung (und Pfad anpassung) http://www.proftpd.de/forum2/viewtopic.php?t=1015 Die installation verlief (in meinen augen) ohne Probleme! :? auch das Patchen (denk ich, hab ich noch nie gemacht) hat geklappt, :P ich kann mich zum Server Connecten :) bekomme aber ein 530 Login Incorrect: :( :arrow: meine .conf Code: ServerName "Debian" ServerType standalone DeferWelcome off MultilineRFC2228 on DefaultServer on ShowSymlinks on AllowOverwrite on TimeoutNoTransfer 600 TimeoutStalled 600 TimeoutIdle 1200 DisplayLogin welcome.msg DisplayFirstChdir .message ListOptions "-l" DenyFilter \*.*/ #PersistentPasswd off #TLSEngine on #Quotas on #Ratios on # Port 21 is the standard FTP port. Port 21 MaxInstances 30 User nobody Group nogroup <Directory /*> Umask 022 022 AllowOverwrite on </Directory> SQLAuthTypes Plaintext SQLAuthenticate users* SQLConnectInfo ftp@localhost proftpd root SQLDefaultGID 65534 SQLDefaultUID 65534 SQLMinUserGID 100 SQLMinUserUID 500 SQLUserInfo ftp username password uid gid homedir shell SQLLOGFILE /var/log/proftpd.sql.log :arrow: sql.log Code: Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: backend api 'mod_sql_api_v1' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: >>> sql_getconf Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: entering mysql cmd_defineconnection Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: name: 'default' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: user: 'proftpd' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: host: 'localhost' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: db: 'ftp' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: port: '3306' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: ttl: '0' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_defineconnection Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: entering mysql cmd_open Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: connection 'default' opened Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: connection 'default' count is now 1 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_open Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: backend successfully connected. Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: mod_sql status : on Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: negative_cache : off Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: authenticate : users Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: usertable : ftp Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: userid field : username Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: password field : password Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: uid field : uid Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: gid field : gid Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: homedir field : homedir Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: shell field : shell Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: homedirondemand : false Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: SQLMinUserUID : 500 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: SQLMinUserGID : 100 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: <<< sql_getconf Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: >>> cmd_getpwnam Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: entering mysql cmd_escapestring Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_escapestring Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: cache miss for user 'admin' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: : entering mysql cmd_select Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: entering mysql cmd_open Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: connection 'default' count is now 2 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_open Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: query "SELECT username, password, uid, gid, homedir, shell FROM ftp WHERE (username='admin') LIMIT 1" Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: entering mysql cmd_close Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: connection 'default' count is now 1 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_close Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_select Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: NULL shell column value, setting to "" Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: cache miss for user 'admin' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: user 'admin' cached Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: + pwd.pw_name : admin Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: + pwd.pw_uid : 65534 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: + pwd.pw_gid : 501 Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: + pwd.pw_dir : /home/admin Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: + pwd.pw_shell : Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: <<< cmd_getpwnam Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: >>> cmd_auth Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: entering mysql cmd_escapestring Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: exiting mysql cmd_escapestring Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: cache hit for user 'admin' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: >>> cmd_check Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: checking auth_type Plaintext Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: 'Plaintext' auth handler reports success Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: cache hit for user 'admin' Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: <<< cmd_check Jun 28 09:35:25 mod_sql/4.10[686]: <<< cmd_auth :arrow: das sagt mein FTPClient Code: WinSock 2.0 Connecting to Connected to -> IP= PORT=21 220 ProFTPD 1.2.10rc1 Server (Debian) [localhost] USER admin 331 Password required for admin. PASS (hidden) 530 Login incorrect. Connection failed Ich wäre euch sehr dankbar wenn mir wer helfen könnte, ich verzweifle schon seit über einer Woche! Danke schon mal im Vorraus!!! :!: Ich nutze Debian aktuelle testing :!: Mysql 4.0.18 :!: ProFTPD 1.2.10.rc1 Titel: Re: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: stonki am 28. Juni 2004, 11:05:25 und jetzt noch das normale Debug Log !
cu stonki Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: Flo am 29. Juni 2004, 08:41:47 Hi,
danke für die Antwort hier die Log vom Debugmodus - parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration - FS: using system open() - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'ServerName' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'ServerType' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DeferWelcome' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'MultilineRFC2228' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DefaultServer' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'ShowSymlinks' to module mod_ls - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive 'TimeoutNoTransfer' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive 'TimeoutStalled' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive 'TimeoutIdle' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DisplayLogin' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DisplayFirstChdir' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'ListOptions' to module mod_ls - dispatching directive 'DenyFilter' to module mod_core - Compiling deny regex '\*.*/'. - Allocated deny regex at location 0x80c4778. - dispatching directive 'Port' to module mod_core - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'MaxInstances' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'User' to module mod_core - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix - dispatching directive 'Group' to module mod_core - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix - dispatching directive '<Directory>' to module mod_core - <Directory /*>: adding section for resolved path '/*' - dispatching directive 'Umask' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive '</Directory>' to module mod_core - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthTypes' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthenticate' to module mod_sql - SQLAuthenticate: use of * in SQLAuthenticate has been deprecated. Use AuthOr der for setting authoritativeness - dispatching directive 'SQLConnectInfo' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultGID' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultUID' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserGID' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserUID' to module mod_sql - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'SQLUserInfo' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLLogFile' to module mod_sql - FS: using system read() - FS: using system read() - FS: using system close() localhost - localhost - Config for Debian: localhost - /* localhost - Umask localhost - DirUmask localhost - AllowOverwrite localhost - ShowSymlinks localhost - DisplayLogin localhost - DisplayFirstChdir localhost - ListOptions localhost - DenyFilter localhost - SQLAuthTypes localhost - SQLAuthenticate localhost - SQLConnectInfo localhost - SQLDefaultGID localhost - SQLDefaultUID localhost - SQLMinUserGID localhost - SQLMinUserUID localhost - DeferWelcome localhost - DefaultServer localhost - ShowSymlinks localhost - AllowOverwrite localhost - TimeoutNoTransfer localhost - TimeoutStalled localhost - TimeoutIdle localhost - DisplayLogin localhost - DisplayFirstChdir localhost - ListOptions localhost - DenyFilter localhost - UserID localhost - UserName localhost - GroupID localhost - GroupName localhost - SQLAuthTypes localhost - SQLAuthenticate localhost - SQLConnectInfo localhost - SQLDefaultGID localhost - SQLDefaultUID localhost - SQLMinUserGID localhost - SQLMinUserUID localhost - SQLUserTable localhost - SQLUsernameField localhost - SQLPasswordField localhost - SQLUidField localhost - SQLGidField localhost - SQLHomedirField localhost - SQLShellField localhost - SQLLogFile localhost - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_sql localhost - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file localhost - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix localhost - SETUP PRIVS at main.c:2790 localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2015 localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2022 localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2392 localhost - deleting existing scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scorebo ard' localhost - opening scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard' localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2418 localhost - ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:322 localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:362 localhost - Failed binding to, port 21: Address already in use localhost - Check the ServerType directive to ensure you are configured correctl y. hilft dir das was?*hoff* :roll: gruss Flo Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: Flo am 29. Juni 2004, 09:18:21 uupps,
hab gemerkt hanad der logfile das der ja noch läuft hab in mal beendet (ging nur mit kill!) und dann im Debug Modus nochma gestartet, (sorry für den obigen beitrag!) Code: proftpd -c /etc/proftpd.conf -n -d 9 - parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration - FS: using system open() - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'ServerName' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'ServerType' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DeferWelcome' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'MultilineRFC2228' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DefaultServer' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'ShowSymlinks' to module mod_ls - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive 'TimeoutNoTransfer' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive 'TimeoutStalled' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive 'TimeoutIdle' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DisplayLogin' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'DisplayFirstChdir' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'ListOptions' to module mod_ls - dispatching directive 'DenyFilter' to module mod_core - Compiling deny regex '\*.*/'. - Allocated deny regex at location 0x80c4778. - dispatching directive 'Port' to module mod_core - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'MaxInstances' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'User' to module mod_core - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix - dispatching directive 'Group' to module mod_core - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix - dispatching directive '<Directory>' to module mod_core - <Directory /*>: adding section for resolved path '/*' - dispatching directive 'Umask' to module mod_core - dispatching directive 'AllowOverwrite' to module mod_xfer - dispatching directive '</Directory>' to module mod_core - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthTypes' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLAuthenticate' to module mod_sql - SQLAuthenticate: use of * in SQLAuthenticate has been deprecated. Use AuthOrder for setting authoritativeness - dispatching directive 'SQLConnectInfo' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultGID' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLDefaultUID' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserGID' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLMinUserUID' to module mod_sql - FS: using system read() - dispatching directive 'SQLUserInfo' to module mod_sql - dispatching directive 'SQLLogFile' to module mod_sql - FS: using system read() - FS: using system read() - FS: using system close() localhost - localhost - Config for Debian: localhost - /* localhost - Umask localhost - DirUmask localhost - AllowOverwrite localhost - ShowSymlinks localhost - DisplayLogin localhost - DisplayFirstChdir localhost - ListOptions localhost - DenyFilter localhost - SQLAuthTypes localhost - SQLConnectInfo localhost - SQLDefaultGID localhost - SQLDefaultUID localhost - SQLMinUserGID localhost - SQLMinUserUID localhost - DeferWelcome localhost - DefaultServer localhost - ShowSymlinks localhost - AllowOverwrite localhost - TimeoutNoTransfer localhost - TimeoutStalled localhost - TimeoutIdle localhost - DisplayLogin localhost - DisplayFirstChdir localhost - ListOptions localhost - DenyFilter localhost - UserID localhost - UserName localhost - GroupID localhost - GroupName localhost - SQLAuthTypes localhost - SQLAuthenticate localhost - SQLConnectInfo localhost - SQLDefaultGID localhost - SQLDefaultUID localhost - SQLMinUserGID localhost - SQLMinUserUID localhost - SQLUserTable localhost - SQLUsernameField localhost - SQLPasswordField localhost - SQLUidField localhost - SQLGidField localhost - SQLHomedirField localhost - SQLShellField localhost - SQLLogFile localhost - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_sql localhost - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file localhost - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix localhost - SETUP PRIVS at main.c:2790 localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2015 localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2022 localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2392 localhost - opening scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard' localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2418 localhost - ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:322 localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:380 localhost - ProFTPD 1.2.10rc1 (devel) (built Mo Jun 28 08:19:05 CEST 2004) standalone mode STARTUP localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2233 localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2235 localhost - FS: using system lstat() localhost - ProFTPD terminating (signal 2) localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1894 localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1917 localhost - ProFTPD 1.2.10rc1 standalone mode SHUTDOWN localhost - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1924 localhost - deleting existing scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard' localhost - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1926 wenn ich Code: proftpd stop mache startet er den ftp, und man kann ihn nur mit KILL beenden!? Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: Wörsty am 29. Juni 2004, 10:46:04 Entweder die Startscripte von www.proftpd.de nehmen (bei Download) oder killall proftpd - ist Wurst. Aber bei den init.d-Scripten startet er auch automatisch und wird beendet beim Runterfahren.
Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: stonki am 30. Juni 2004, 14:54:03 ProFTPD Crasht hat noch immer bei Dir.... Das sieht nicht gut aus. Compiliere mal erst ohne mod_sql um zu sehen, ob alles andere klappt.
Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: Hoaxter am 30. Juni 2004, 18:08:45 Wie waere es wenn Du einfach meine Pakete nimmst und die Abhaengtigkeiten loest? Das koennen nicht viele sein und sollten mit den paketen aus Debian woody zu erfuellen sein. Achso falls ich noch nicht gewarnt hatte die sind fuer Debian/woody das aktuelle stable. Je nachdem wenn Du nen anderen zweig verwendest ist das natuerlich unsinn diesen Backport zu verwenden.
Sven Addon, Du hast http://sven.stormbind.net/proftpd/debian/READ_THIS_FIRST.txt gelesen und dich daran gehalten? Titel: schon wieder mysql Beitrag von: Anonymous am 02. Juli 2004, 09:34:53 soory für die lange antwort Zeit aber ich hatte
probs mitm internet zugang! Ich werd jetzt erstmal proftpd ohne mysql installieren! Das hat ja wenigstens schon mal geklappt! gruss und Danke Flo |