13. März 2007, 21:31:51 *
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Autor Thema: Problem bem starten von ProFTP .. DEBUG Log inkl.  (Gelesen 433 mal)
0 Mitglieder und 1 Gast betrachten dieses Thema.
« am: 13. Mai 2004, 17:37:18 »

Huuh ..

ich hab den Proftpd schon vor wochen installiert. nun woltle ich meine zuvor schon compilten Module quotatab und sql mit einbinden. Ich hab die Config dann so Ähnlich gemacht wie ihr hier die Beispiel cfg habt..

doch leider komme ich noch nicht mal zum einloggen .. der ftp server closed schon vorher. hier der debug:

s1:/usr/sbin# ./proftpd -nd9
 - parsing '/etc/proftpd.conf' configuration
 - FS: using system open()
 - FS: using system read()
 - Compiling deny regex '\*.*/'.
 - Allocated deny regex at location 0x80f1868.
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_radius
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getpwnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_radius
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_sql
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_file
 - dispatching auth request "getgrnam" to module mod_auth_unix
 - <Directory /*>: adding section for resolved path '/*'
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system read()
 - FS: using system close()
s1.thosch.cc -
s1.thosch.cc - Config for mySupport v0.5 Webhosting:
s1.thosch.cc - /*
s1.thosch.cc -  AllowOverwrite
s1.thosch.cc -  Umask
s1.thosch.cc -  ShowSymlinks
s1.thosch.cc -  DisplayLogin
s1.thosch.cc -  DisplayFirstChdir
s1.thosch.cc -  ListOptions
s1.thosch.cc -  DenyFilter
s1.thosch.cc -  MaxClientsPerHost
s1.thosch.cc -  MaxClients
s1.thosch.cc -  AccessGrantMsg
s1.thosch.cc -  AccessDenyMsg
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLAuthTypes
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLAuthenticate
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLConnectInfo
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLDefaultGID
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLDefaultUID
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLMinUserGID
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLMinUserUID
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLLog_PASS
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLNamedQuery_counter
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
s1.thosch.cc -  SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
s1.thosch.cc - ServerIdent
s1.thosch.cc - DeferWelcome
s1.thosch.cc - DefaultServer
s1.thosch.cc - Umask
s1.thosch.cc - ShowSymlinks
s1.thosch.cc - AllowOverwrite
s1.thosch.cc - TimeoutNoTransfer
s1.thosch.cc - TimeoutStalled
s1.thosch.cc - TimeoutIdle
s1.thosch.cc - DisplayLogin
s1.thosch.cc - DisplayFirstChdir
s1.thosch.cc - ListOptions
s1.thosch.cc - DefaultRoot
s1.thosch.cc - DenyFilter
s1.thosch.cc - MaxClientsPerHost
s1.thosch.cc - MaxClients
s1.thosch.cc - MaxLoginAttempts
s1.thosch.cc - UserID
s1.thosch.cc - UserName
s1.thosch.cc - GroupID
s1.thosch.cc - GroupName
s1.thosch.cc - AccessGrantMsg
s1.thosch.cc - AccessDenyMsg
s1.thosch.cc - SQLAuthTypes
s1.thosch.cc - SQLAuthenticate
s1.thosch.cc - SQLConnectInfo
s1.thosch.cc - SQLDefaultGID
s1.thosch.cc - SQLDefaultUID
s1.thosch.cc - SQLMinUserGID
s1.thosch.cc - SQLMinUserUID
s1.thosch.cc - SQLUserTable
s1.thosch.cc - SQLUsernameField
s1.thosch.cc - SQLPasswordField
s1.thosch.cc - SQLUidField
s1.thosch.cc - SQLGidField
s1.thosch.cc - SQLHomedirField
s1.thosch.cc - SQLShellField
s1.thosch.cc - SQLLog_PASS
s1.thosch.cc - SQLNamedQuery_counter
s1.thosch.cc - QuotaEngine
s1.thosch.cc - QuotaShowQuotas
s1.thosch.cc - QuotaLimitTable
s1.thosch.cc - QuotaTallyTable
s1.thosch.cc - SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-limit
s1.thosch.cc - SQLNamedQuery_get-quota-tally
s1.thosch.cc - SQLNamedQuery_update-quota-tally
s1.thosch.cc - SQLNamedQuery_insert-quota-tally
s1.thosch.cc - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_radius
s1.thosch.cc - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_sql
s1.thosch.cc - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_file
s1.thosch.cc - dispatching auth request "getgroups" to module mod_auth_unix
s1.thosch.cc - SETUP PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2704
s1.thosch.cc - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1956
s1.thosch.cc - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1962
s1.thosch.cc - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2323
s1.thosch.cc - opening scoreboard '/var/run/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
s1.thosch.cc - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2347
s1.thosch.cc - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/inet.c:452
s1.thosch.cc - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/inet.c:510
s1.thosch.cc - ProFTPD 1.2.9 (stable) (built do mrt 22 18:28:32 CET 2001) standalone mode STARTUP
s1.thosch.cc - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2171
s1.thosch.cc - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:2177
s1.thosch.cc - FS: using system lstat()
s1.thosch.cc - FS: using system lstat()
s1.thosch.cc - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1150
s1.thosch.cc - RELINQUISH PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:1154
s1.thosch.cc - FS: using system lstat()
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - performing ident lookup
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - ident connection failed: Connection refused
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - ident lookup returned 'UNKNOWN'
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - ROOT PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:977
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - SETUP PRIVS at ../../../src/main.c:982
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - performing module session initializations
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - error deleting scoreboard entry: Invalid argument
s1.thosch.cc (p5089B889.dip.t-dialin.net[]) - FTP session closed.
s1.thosch.cc - FS: using system lstat()

Meine Config sieht wie folgt aus:

ServerName "mySupport v0.5 Webhosting"
ServerType                      standalone
ServerAdmin info@thosch.cc

ServerIdent on "ftp.s1.thosch.cc"
DeferWelcome                    on
DefaultServer                   on
Port                     21
Umask                     022
MaxInstances               30

MultilineRFC2228                on
ShowSymlinks                    on
AllowOverwrite on

TimeoutNoTransfer               600
TimeoutStalled                  600
TimeoutIdle                     1200

DisplayLogin                    .welcome
DisplayFirstChdir               .message
ListOptions                     "-l"
DefaultRoot                     "~"

DenyFilter \*.*/

MaxClientsPerHost 2 "Nicht mehr als %m Verbindungen"
MaxClients 8 "Leider sind schon %m Clients verbunden"
MaxLoginAttempts 3

#MaxInstances                    30

User                            nobody
Group                           www

<Directory /*>
 # Umask                         022  022
  AllowOverwrite                on
AccessGrantMsg "-> Login correct .. loading user dir"
AccessDenyMsg "-> Error during login"


SQLAuthTypes Plaintext
SQLAuthenticate users*
SQLConnectInfo iface @localhost USER PASSWORD
SQLDefaultGID 65534
SQLDefaultUID 65534
SQLMinUserGID 100
SQLMinUserUID 500
SQLUserInfo users username password uid gid homedir shell

# aktive SQL Kommandos, ab hier passiert etwas :-)
SQLLog PASS counter
SQLNamedQuery counter UPDATE "letzter_zugriff=now(), count=count+1 WHERE username='%u'" users
# xfer Log in mysql
SQLLog RETR,STOR transfer1
SQLNamedQuery transfer1 INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T',now(), 'c', NULL" xfer_stat

 SQLNamedQuery transfer2 INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T',now(), 'i', NULL" xfer_stat
# mod_quota tab
QuotaEngine on
QuotaShowQuotas on
QuotaLimitTable sql:/get-quota-limit
QuotaTallyTable sql:/get-quota-tally/update-quota-tally/insert-quota-tally

 SQLNamedQuery get-quota-limit SELECT "name, quota_type, per_session,limit_type, bytes_in_avail, bytes_out_avail, bytes_xfer_avail, files_in_avail, files_out_avail, files_xfer_avail FROM quotalimits WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
 SQLNamedQuery get-quota-tally SELECT "name, quota_type, bytes_in_used, bytes_out_used, bytes_xfer_used, files_in_used, files_out_used, files_xfer_used FROM quotatallies WHERE name = '%{0}' AND quota_type = '%{1}'"
 SQLNamedQuery update-quota-tally UPDATE "bytes_in_used = bytes_in_used + %{0}, bytes_out_used = bytes_out_used + %{1}, bytes_xfer_used = bytes_xfer_used + %{2}, files_in_used = files_in_used + %{3}, files_out_used = files_out_used + %{4}, files_xfer_used = files_xfer_used + %{5} WHERE name = '%{6}' AND quota_type = '%{7}'" quotatallies
 SQLNamedQuery insert-quota-tally INSERT "%{0}, %{1}, %{2}, %{3}, %{4}, %{5}, %{6}, %{7}" quotatallies

Wär cool wenn mir einer da helfen könnte ! Danke ! By !
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« Antwort #1 am: 13. Mai 2004, 17:42:10 »

fehler im SQL Teil

SQLLOGFILE /var/log/proftpd.sql.log hinzufuegen und noch mal von vorne :)

www.stonki.de:    the more I see, the more I know.......
www.proftpd.de:   Deutsche ProFTPD Dokumentation
www.krename.net:  Der Batch Renamer für KDE
www.kbarcode.net: Die Barcode Solution für KDE
« Antwort #2 am: 13. Mai 2004, 17:52:40 »


hat sich erledigt, darauf bin ich auch schon gekommen Smiley Hab so meine Fehler rausgelöscht Zwinkernd Und des läuft nu ..

Eine kleine Frage noch bzgl. Linux .. wie finde ich die UID & GID einzelner User & Grupper heraus ?

by, weesly
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« Antwort #3 am: 14. Mai 2004, 09:18:45 »


Mit dem Befehl cat /etc/passwd

als erstes steht der
user:verschlüsseltes Kennwort:uid:gid:kommentar:homedirectory:shell

mit cat /etc/group
gruppenname:verschlüsseltes Kennwort:gid:Gruppenmitglieder

Kennnwort x bedeute es steht verschlüsselt in der shadow bzw. gshadow

By huflatisch
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