Meine funktionierende Konfig habe ich mit
[root@knowledgebase scripts]# ./ --dbdriver=mysql --dbname=ftp --dbuser=ftp --dbpass=ftp --dbserver=localhost --verbose /www/conf/proftpd.conf
umgewandelt und danach kann ich mich nicht mehr einloggen:
[root@knowledgebase root]# proftpd -nd9
- parsing '/www/conf/proftpd.conf' configuration
- FS: using sqlconf open()
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- parsing 'sql://ftp:ftp@localhost/db:ftp/ctxt:ftpctxt/conf:ftpconf/map:ftpmap' configuration
- FS: using sqlconf open()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: db.user: 'ftp'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: db.server: 'localhost'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: db.database: 'ftp'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'ftpctxt'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'id'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.parent_id: 'parent_id'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'name'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ctxt.value: 'value'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'ftpconf'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'id'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'name'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: conf.value: 'value'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: 'ftpmap'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: map.conf_id: 'conf_id'
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: map.ctxt_id: 'ctxt_id'
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AccessDenyMsg "Zugriff verweigert! (%u)"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AccessGrantMsg "Herzlich Willkommen %u!"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowFilter "^[a-zA-Z0-9]*"
- Compiling allow regex '^[a-zA-Z0-9]*'.
- Allocated allow regex at location 0x80cf348.
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowForeignAddress On
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowOverwrite Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowRetrieveRestart On
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AllowStoreRestart On
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: AuthAliasOnly Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: TransferRate RETR,STOR 4096:52428800
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DeleteAbortedStores On
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DirFakeGroup On ftp
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DirFakeMode 700
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DirFakeUser On ftp
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayConnect /www/vhosts/ftp/121/.DisplayConnect.msg
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayFirstChdir .DisplayFirstChdir.msg
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayGoAway .DisplayGoAway.msg
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayLogin .DisplayLogin.msg
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: DisplayQuit .DisplayQuit.msg
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ExtendedLog /www/vhosts/administration/linux/logfiles/proftpd_queue.log ALL ftpqueue
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLogfile /www/vhosts/administration/linux/logfiles/proftpd_queue_sql.log
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: HiddenStor Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: IdentLookups Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxClients 15 "FEHLER: Es sind bereits %m Benutzer verbunden!"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxClientsPerHost 10 "FEHLER: Sie (%u) sind bereits 10x verbunden!"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxHostsPerUser 20 "FEHLER: Dieser Benutzer ist bereits von %m Rechnern verbunden!"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: LoginPasswordPrompt Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: MasqueradeAddress
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: MaxLoginAttempts 2
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: PathDenyFilter "(\\.ftpaccess)|(\\.htaccess)|(\\.DisplayConnect.msg)|(\\.DisplayFirstChdir.msg)|(\\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\\.DisplayLogin.msg)|(\\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\\.DisplayQuit.msg)"
- Compiling deny regex '(\.ftpaccess)|(\.htaccess)|(\.DisplayConnect.msg)|(\.DisplayFirstChdir.msg)|(\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\.DisplayLogin.msg)|(\.DisplayGoAway.msg)|(\.DisplayQuit.msg)'.
- Allocated deny regex at location 0x80cf158.
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: Port 121
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: RequireValidShell Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ServerAdmin
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ServerIdent On "NetxiraOne Knowledgebase - FTP-Warteschlange"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ServerName "Knowledgebase - Warteschlange"
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: ShowSymlinks On
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SyslogLevel notice
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLAuthenticate users*
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLAuthTypes Backend
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLConnectInfo ebd@localhost:3306 ftp ftp PERSESSION
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLDefaultGID 502
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLDefaultUID 502
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLHomedirOnDemand On
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog PASS updatecount
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog PASS letzter_zugriff
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog DELE delfile
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog RETR getfile
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLog * history
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLLOG ERR_* history_err
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery updatecount UPDATE "ftp_login_count=ftp_login_count+1 WHERE loginname='%u'" users
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery letzter_zugriff UPDATE "last_ftp_login = now() where loginname = '%u'" users
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery delfile UPDATE "deleted ='ja' where loginname = '%u' and dateiname = '%f'" ftp_query
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery getfile UPDATE "downloadcount = downloadcount + 1, last_download = now() where fullpath = '%f' and loginname = '%u'" ftp_query
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery history INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'ok', NULL" ftp_history
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLNamedQuery history_err INSERT "'%u', '%f', '%b', '%h', '%a', '%m', '%T', now(), 'nicht ok', NULL" ftp_history
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: SQLUserInfo users loginname passwort users_id NULL concat('/www/vhosts/ftp/121/',loginname) NULL
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutLogin 30
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutIdle 3600
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutNoTransfer 3600
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimeoutStalled 3300
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: TimesGMT Off
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- mod_conf_sql/0.3: Umask 0111 0000
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- FS: using system close()
- FS: using sqlconf read()
- FS: using system close()
ber06075 - masquerading as
ber06075 -
ber06075 - Config for Knowledgebase - Warteschlange:
ber06075 - AccessDenyMsg
ber06075 - AccessGrantMsg
ber06075 - AllowFilter
ber06075 - AllowForeignAddress
ber06075 - AllowOverwrite
ber06075 - AllowRetrieveRestart
ber06075 - AllowStoreRestart
ber06075 - AuthAliasOnly
ber06075 - TransferRate
ber06075 - DeleteAbortedStores
ber06075 - DirFakeGroup
ber06075 - DirFakeMode
ber06075 - DirFakeUser
ber06075 - DisplayConnect
ber06075 - DisplayFirstChdir
ber06075 - DisplayGoAway
ber06075 - DisplayLogin
ber06075 - DisplayQuit
ber06075 - ExtendedLog
ber06075 - SQLLogFile
ber06075 - HiddenStores
ber06075 - IdentLookups
ber06075 - MaxClients
ber06075 - MaxClientsPerHost
ber06075 - MaxHostsPerUser
ber06075 - LoginPasswordPrompt
ber06075 - MasqueradeAddress
ber06075 - MaxLoginAttempts
ber06075 - PathDenyFilter
ber06075 - RequireValidShell
ber06075 - ServerIdent
ber06075 - ShowSymlinks
ber06075 - SyslogLevel
ber06075 - SQLAuthenticate
ber06075 - SQLAuthTypes
ber06075 - SQLConnectInfo
ber06075 - SQLDefaultGID
ber06075 - SQLDefaultUID
ber06075 - SQLHomedirOnDemand
ber06075 - SQLLog_PASS
ber06075 - SQLLog_PASS
ber06075 - SQLLog_DELE
ber06075 - SQLLog_RETR
ber06075 - SQLLog_*
ber06075 - SQLLog_ERR_*
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_updatecount
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_letzter_zugriff
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_delfile
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_getfile
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_history
ber06075 - SQLNamedQuery_history_err
ber06075 - SQLUserTable
ber06075 - SQLUsernameField
ber06075 - SQLPasswordField
ber06075 - SQLUidField
ber06075 - SQLHomedirField
ber06075 - TimeoutLogin
ber06075 - TimeoutIdle
ber06075 - TimeoutNoTransfer
ber06075 - TimeoutStalled
ber06075 - TimesGMT
ber06075 - Umask
ber06075 - DirUmask
ber06075 - mod_conf_sql/0.3: fs unregistered
ber06075 - SETUP PRIVS at main.c:2711
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1953
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1959
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2320
ber06075 - opening scoreboard '/usr/local/var/proftpd/proftpd.scoreboard'
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2344
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at inet.c:452
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at inet.c:510
ber06075 - ProFTPD 1.2.9rc2 (devel) (built Fre Okt 10 15:12:10 CEST 2003) standalone mode STARTUP
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:2168
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:2174
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
ber06075 - ROOT PRIVS at main.c:1145
ber06075 - RELINQUISH PRIVS at main.c:1149
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
ber06075 ([]) - ident lookup disabled
ber06075 ([]) - performing module session initializations
ber06075 ([]) - ROOT PRIVS at mod_sql.c:3630
ber06075 ([]) - RELINQUISH PRIVS at mod_sql.c:3632
ber06075 ([]) - error deleting scoreboard entry: Invalid argument
ber06075 ([]) - FTP session closed.
ber06075 - FS: using system lstat()
Das SQL-Log zeigt, dass der Username für die DB Schrott ist.
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: backend module 'mod_sql_mysql/4.04'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: backend api 'mod_sql_api_v1'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: >>> sql_getconf
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: entering mysql cmd_defineconnection
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: name: 'default'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: user: 'Lg
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: host: 'localhost'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: db: 'ebd'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: port: '3306'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: ttl: '0'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: exiting mysql cmd_defineconnection
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: entering mysql cmd_open
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: exiting mysql cmd_open
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: unrecoverable backend error
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: error: '1045'
Oct 13 12:12:30 mod_sql/4.10[21668]: message: 'Access denied for user: 'Lg
@localhost' (Using password: YES)'
Kennt jemand das Problem?