N e w C S
Questions, requests: DBW FORUM |
NEVETO 1.4b | ![]() |
2006.04.06 | Some bug fixed. | |
NEVETO 1.4 | ![]() |
2006.03.26 | Version 1.4
more than one cardreader in user area of newcs.xml is possible to
allow. | |
NEVETO 1.2 | ![]() |
2006.03.14 | FORUM | Neveto, the newcs and evocamd configurator |
--- ------- --- -- - -
NewCS readme
- -- --- -- - - -
We have no politics.. this is just for fun - blame yourself..
"How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are
for. I only coded it."
-Linus Torvalds
--- Index ------- --- -- - - -
1. File Descriptions
2. Runtime Arguments
4. TCP-Commands
5. FAQ
6. Changelog
8. Special Notes
9. Known Bugs
10. Greets
1.-- File Descriptions ------- --- -- - - -
newcs.ppc -> NewCS binary for dreambox, tripledragon and
other powerpc machines.
newcs.ppc.pcsc -> NewCS with support for the PC/SC
for powerpc machines.
newcs.ppc.usb -> NewCS with support for the
Infinity-USB programmer for powerpc machines.
newcs.mips -> NewCS binary
for the 7025 dreambox.
newcs.mips.pcsc -> NewCS binary with support for
PC/SC for the 7025 dreambox.
newcs.mips.usb -> NewCS binary with support
for the Infinity-USB programmer for the 7025 dreambox.
newcs.i686 -> 32bit
NewCS binary for linux on Intel compatible machines.
newcs.i686.pcsc ->
32bit NewCS binary for linux on Intel compatible machines, with PC/SC
newcs.i686.usb -> 32bit NewCS binary with support for the
Infinity-USB programmer for Intel compatible machines.
newcs.x86_64 ->
64bit NewCS binary for linux on AMD64.
newcs.x86_64.pcsc -> 64bit NewCS
binary for linux on AMD64, with PC/SC support.
newcs.x86_64.usb -> 64bit
NewCS with support for the Infinity-USB programmer on AMD64.
-> NewCS binary for OpenWRT (this only support phoenix as
newcs.openwrt.pcsc -> NewCS binary with support for PC/SC for
OpenWRT. (this only support phoenix and pcsc as type)
newcs.openwrt.usb ->
NewCS binary with support for the Infinity-USB programmer for OpenWRT. (this
only support phoenix and infinity as type)
newcs.nslu2 -> NewCS binary for
NSLU2. (this only support phoenix as type)
newcs.nslu2.pcsc -> NewCS
binary with support for PC/SC for NSLU2. (this only support phoenix and pcsc as
newcs.nslu2.usb -> NewCS binary with support for the Infinity-USB
programmer for NSLU2. (this only support phoenix and infinity as
newcs.exe -> NewCS binary for 2K/XP/2003/Vista. (this only support
pcsc, phoenix and sc8 as type)
newcs.cris -> NewCS binary for the Axis
Etrax 100LX.
newcs.cris.pcsc -> NewCS binary with support for PC/SC for
the Axis Etrax 100LX.
newcs.cris.usb -> NewCS binary with support for the
Infinity-USB programmer for the Axis Etrax 100LX.
newcs.xml -> The
configfile that NewCS reads, should be placed in
readme.txt -> This file you smartass :P
2.-- Runtime Arguments ------- --- -- - - -
NewCS can be run with some arguments when you start it, here are some of them explained:
-c configfile, here you can specify the path to a
-h help, will show something similar to this.
-v version, this
will show when the binary is compiled and which version it is.
-nd this is
will prevent NewCS from forking.
/var/newcs -c /etc/newcs-usb.xml
(you give full path to configfile)
3.-- Configfile ------- --- -- - - -
Remember to always close the tags, there is a beginner tag
"<tag>" and a end tag "</tag>", if the tag start
with a "<!--
" and ends with a " -->" it is a comment. More info about xml you will find
on google..
Look in the configfile for explanations on what the different
sections are.
Configfile isnt case-sensitive and shouldnt care about dos/unix
crlf differences.
4.-- TCP-Commands ------- --- -- - - -
Telnet to the tcp-port (default is 1001) and write the commands
hit enter to execute it:
PS! In windows the standard telnet client doesnt
work, try using f.ex Putty as a client instead (raw mode).
Command | Parameters | Description
keys | None | Show AU/SA serialnumbers from card.
| users | None | Show stats
about users.
| readers | None | Show Readers and their status.
| uptime |
None | Show how long NewCS have been running.
| cache | None | Show cache
statistics, how many total ECM's, and how many who hit cache.
| version |
None | Show NewCS version, compile-time and config used.
| shutdown | None |
Shutdown NewCS server.
| restart | None | Restart NewCS server.
| reset |
[reader number] | Reset the card in reader slot thats given.
| ban | [user
id] | Ban a user, user will be kicked out, and cannot log in.
| unban | [user
id] | Unban a user, the user can log back in.
| sub | [reader number] | Shows
entitlements from card (-1 for all).
| sids | (add/remove) | Shows SID
statistics, if you use params you can manually add or
| | (reader number) |
remove SID's.
| | (sid) |
| | (allow/deny) |
| adduser | [username] |
Adding a user without restarting NewCS.
| | [password] |
| | [spider] |
yes/no if spider should be able to connect with this user.
| | [au] | on/off
if user should be able to send EMM.
| | [sidoverride] | on/off if user should
be able to override SID-filter.
| blocker | (reader number) | Show blocker
status, with params you can change them.
| | (ua/sa/ga) |
| | (yes/no)
| level | (level) | Shows logging level in tcp-console, give param to set
new level.
| | | Valid levels:
| | | 0 - None
| | | 1 - Normal
| | |
2 - Verbose
| | | 3 - Spam
| type | (type) | Shows logging type for
tcp-console, give param to set new type.
| | | 0 - None
| | | 1 -
| | | 2 - Init
| | | 4 - ECMs
| | | 8 - EMMs
| | | 16 -
Network traffic
| | | 255 - All
| osd | [username] | Send a OSD message to
the Newcamd-client you specify.(max 255 characters)
| | [message] | (this is
only supported by mgcamd at this moment)
| auth | [password] | Authenticates
to the tcp-console if protected.
| statreset| [userid] | Reset statistics on
the user (-1 for all).
| exit | None | Exit the
Parameters in [] is mandatory, () is optional
PS! if logging bothers you when using tcp-commands, please set
loglevel to 0 to stop logging.
5.-- FAQ ------- --- -- - - -
Q: Who are you, and why are you doing this?
A: we are a group
that tries to have some fun, during our spare time we have satellite-studying
a hobby - and since newcamd project has its own strange politics, gbox
project isnt public and
the rest of the available isnt quite like we wanted
to have it - we wrote our own :o)
Q: Why NewCS as project name?
A: Since newcamd already
"stole" the cardserver name - we found out to differ it from newcamd
cardserver, we made another name for it.. NewCS - "New
If you find out another nice name for it, just let us know, we
rather code a little as to think about names :o)
Q: Which protocols are supported, and why that new one?
Both radegast and newcamd protocol are 100% supported, this to be compatible
with any of the current
clients out there.. eg. mgcamd, evocamd, newcamd and
so on.. The reason we made a new protocol is
because we wanted something of
our own - this we can extend and do whatever we want with, the others
is in
the hands of their respective authors.. and can be changed without us kinda
"approving" it..
Q: So, which cards are supported?
A: well.. good question :)
(since i asked it myself it must be faboulous :p)
At this moment the
following cards are supported:
*- Conax (ecm&emm) *- Seca
*- Irdeto (ecm&emm) *- Cryptoworks (ecm&emm&ecm
w/mosc & camcrypt(arena))
*- Betacrypt (ecm&emm) *- Viaccess
*- Dreamcrypt (ecm&emm) *- Videoguard (ecm&emm)
D2mac (ecm&emm) *- Nagravision Ver.2(ecm&emm)
(all needs to be tested
ofc, we dont have the opportunity to do extensive tests).
Q: Where can i find the sourcecode for NewCS?
A: The
sourcecode wont be released as we have done alot of work to design it, and
really not much help around
.. personally i can deeply recommend starting on
your own project, you'll learn much - i promise :o)
Q: Help? It DOESNT work - where can i reach you?
A: Well.. we
hope that when NewCS gets public, there will be a few experts around on the
forums and irc channels all around the globe.. you cant reach us,
but if you post your questions,
or if you got errorlog, etc. - on a
english-speaking or german-speaking forum, we will probably see it :o)
Q: I Want to donate money to your project, where do i send
A: We do this just for fun, and have no commercial interest
what-so-ever, we suggest that you send
the money to a help-organization like
f.ex the red-cross, or something similar :)
Q: Why cant newcamd connect to my card?
A: Well, newcamd guys
have some strange politics.. some cards cant be used in newcamd with the
protocol.. for some reasons newcamd can only use that with betad and
some bloody *nix socket..
To watch these cards, you have to use the NewCS
compliant camds (evocamd or mgcamd) - or maybe some others that havent got
Q: Why cant gbox connect to my card?
A: Gbox isnt a public
project, and "only a few" ppl can get updated versions.. and so on (we all know
its BS though).
anyway.. the protocol used in gbox are unknown at this
moment, they change it everytime someone figures it out,
so we wont support
it unless gbox should find out that they would like to use NewCS.. then they can
make support :)
(cs2gbox could work, but who knows or cares :P)
Q: Is the xml protocol available?
A: Yes! :) will be
documented here ASAP!
Q: Whats the "node" for Infinity-USB programmer?
A: The
USB-port is "only" used to set the programmer to phoenix-mode, all communication
with reader goes through serial, so to get it to work
you have to specify the
serialport it is connected to as "node".
Q: Why doesnt my card work with NewCS in windows when it works
with NewCS on linux?
A: There can be many reasons, the code for handling
communication with the card is 100% different, timeing can be very different
too, also
some devices seems to have better drivers in linux then in windows,
and vice versa.
6.-- Changelog ------- --- -- - - -
v.1.20 -Release Candidate 13:
Fixed timeings again.. think it
should be faster now.
Added binary for the Axis Etrax 100LX.
Kaffeine CS client id.
Modified sending PIN-code for Conax Cards, also now
use <pincode> tag to specify your code.
Added putting EMM in queue
(note. if priority == fifo, emm is processed as fifo too, else they processed
only if there is no ecm in queue)
Will now keep ECM in queue even if card
needs to reinit, maybe u still get answer within timout-period.
Fixed misc
bugs in NDS code, especially regarding GA-EMM's that made newcs reinit
Fixed cosmetic bug, now showing 6 numbers in provider.
Added new
frequency for phoenix - 1,53mhz.
Fixed cosmetics, dont flood log when card
Added extensions to newcamd code to send sid-list/emm-block mask to
Added <cardlevel> option for readers, to restrict access for
clients with cardlevel.
Fixed misc bugs in the ECM/EMM-queue.
Entitlement adjustment on caid 092F.
Added possiblity to force newcs to bind
only to one specific ip (only on linux versions).
Set loglevel to 0 if
tcp-password is set.
Fixed default port on newcamd, if no port is set in
device - it will now be 15000+readernumber (instead of 15050 for all
Fixed Windows Vista should now be reconized.
v.1.19 -Release Candidate 12:
Fixed Viasat and Misc other
cards on sc8 and phoenix. (huge rewrite, will affect all cards on all
Hopefully fixed NDS code. (huge rewrite)
Added Alex CS client
Added more errorchecking on config, counting opening and closing
Added possibility to overclock TD sci.
Fixed bug where error string
wasnt shown on x86/amd64.
Now sending PIN-code 1234 for Conax cards. (will be
configurable later on..)
v.1.18 -Release Candidate 11:
BEV nagra2 provider
Fixed entitlements for BoomTV.
Added support for viaccess
confidential EMM's.
Fixed bug in Seca UA ins.
Added possibility to read
camkey/camkey-data from config as requested.
Radegast server will resolve
hostname on each new connect. (fix for dynhosts).
Added support for Arena
cryptoworks cards.
Alot of bugfixes, errorchecks and cleanups.
statreset tcp-command.
Improved ATR-parsing.
Fixed bug that used 100% cpu
on freeBSD.
Fixed bug in logging, when using different levels on
Added rate-check for users, possibility to limit
ecms/minute from user.
Fixed conax with different CAID then 0B00.
slovak language indikator on Conax cards.
Fixed Betacrypt EMM again.
bug one certain Irdeto EMM.
Fixed bug that gave echo mismatch from Betacrypt
cards on SC8.
Added random distribution of card traffic, kind of
Fixes in newcamd server for better stability.
Fixed longer
timeout after ATR.
Fixed Theme-level on viaccess entitlements.
Filenames in release HAVE changed, please use readme for
v.1.17 -Release Candidate 10:
NDS now read boxkey from config
and override the automatic detection if the config element exists.
Betacrypt EMM.
Fixed Cryptoworks Bios5 cards on most boxes.
entitlements for TotalTV.
Fixed dreamcrypt on dragon.
Added Conax
PPV-entitlement events.
Misc. fixes.
If you have a wrong boxkey in config for NDS, it WONT
work - so remove the boxkey element if you dont need to override what
detects automatically. (It IS needed for TotalTV)
v.1.16 -Release Candidate 9:
Fixed version numbering, seems
we skipped v.1.15 in binary.. *blush*
More commands available from
Fixed problem (we think) with SID-filter if no static or
autosid where enabled.
Now own option for users to override the SID-filter
(instead of AU-user).
Removed the support for users in own .txt file, the
"addusers" are now written directly into the xml configfile.
Fixed misc debug
Fixed some bugs with PC/SC reader.
Fixed a problem with xml-tags
in config beeing case-sensitive. (they are now case-insensitive!)
Added debug
when missing config elements in user-sections.
Fixed bug in cryptoworks
entitlements, thanks for proper debug/logs ;)
Fixed humongus bug in the ban
Fixed Nagra blocker for EMM-G, thanks for proper debug/logs
pcsc-lite is only needed on linux, on windows it should
go automatic :)
v.1.15 -Release Candidate 8:
Fixed delete newcs.pid when
using shutdown tcp-command.
Added possibility to overclock the dreambox
readers. (be careful..)
Added client-detection for all known clients, look in
special notes for more info.
Fixed recieving client-id on reverse
Added HTTP interface, point the browser to the tcp-port.
Fixed SID-handling again, now AU-users are free of the
Added support for SC8 on windows, atleast some CAS (we need logs
of those which dont work).
Fixed Adduser tcp-command, users couldnt
Added Nagra2 entitlements.
Added Conax PPV entitlements.
Added PC/SC support.
NB! For PC/SC support you have to install pcsc-lite and
configure it.
v.1.14 -Release Candidate 7:
Fixed bug in N2 EMM on
Hopefully fixed bug in tcp-console where data was sendt faster
then windows could handle.
More and better error-handling.
tcp-console password protection.
Better compability for the Relook
Fixed bug in sid-handling, now sid-lists also apply for AU-users
Added osd tcp-command to send osd messages to clients which support
Fixed Session-key renewal for cards that use dt08.
Added spider/au
option to the adduser command. (old userfile is now incompatible)
Fixed bug
in irdeto EMM handling.
Misc. cleanups.
Compiled new binary for the new
dreambox 7025.
NB! tcp-console protection is plain and simple, probably easily
You are Warned!
v.1.13 -Release Candidate 6:
Fixed bug in Nagra2, for cards
that use dt08.
Better info in users tcp-command, also for radegast users now.
(show tcp-connections to rdgd)
Fixed bug in Nagra2 sessionkey
Fixed bug in config-reading, some options was
Fixed 3.57mhz in infinity reader.
Added Nagra2 EMM (needs
support in camd).
Added <deny> for readers in
Added dynamic ECM cache. (uses less ram)
Optimize N2 on
all devices.
v.1.12 -Release Candidate 5:
Added Nagra2 support!! Read
Special notes! (Nagra1 still not supported, funny eyh? :P)
Fixed bug that
made radegast server hang.
Added numbering to sids in tcp-command.
bug in dreamcrypt, sorry..
Misc. bugfixes etc.
Added support for multiple
Infinity-usb devices.
v.1.11 -Release Candidate 4:
Added Auto-sid feature. (see
special notes)
Changed cosmetics on most of the tcp-commands.
cards command to readers instead, added some more info.
Added sids command,
statistics for sids, and you can add/remove sids with correct
Added blocker command, show status for blocker, and you can
open/block with correct parameters.
Added seca-pin option.
Cryptoworks Bios5 cards should work ok, opos as a sideeffect :)
Fixed Irdeto
EMM's - thanks to all for pointing that out!
Fixed irdeto in Dragon.
potential bug in ecm-queue.
Removed PIN on Cryptoworks.
Fixed Seca EMM,
yet again.
Fixed Viaccess EMM, yet again.
Misc. bugfixes
Removed cw-cache, this was specially made so that newcamd
should work with channels that only has 1 cw (NDS),
please use other client
which actually support a single cw, newcamd _WILL_ glitch.
special is broken in this release!
v.1.10 -Release Candidate 3 -bugfix:
Fixed bug in NDS on
Remove port from the newcamd-section, should of course be in reader
Fixed Cryptoworks blocker.
v.1.09 -Release Candidate 3:
Added Entitlements to Viaccess,
Seca, Conax, Cryptoworks, irdeto and Videoguard.
Added tcp-command sub to
show entitlements from cards.
Added some more valid frequencies: 10.71MHz,
10.00MHz and 8.00MHz.
Fixed EMM-blocker on NDS.
Added config-option for
PTShandshake(look iso 7816 for details). (used on viaccess, cryptoworks and
Conax-CAS7 cards)
Changed ECM-queue per card.
LOTS of error-handling, but
its still a work in progress.
Added warning message when overclocking
Fixed infinity reader, should now only need the parity/mhz parameters
like phoenix.
Fixed reset tcp-command, should now work ok.
Optimized keys
command, show reader.
Fixed Viaccess EMM.
Changed SID-filter to be
per-reader, instead of per-caid.
Changed enabled, exported and rdgd server
config options to be yes & no like the rest.
Added sids
Fixed irdeto for new version5 cards, should now work with some
odd versions too. (thnx to FMalibu for figuring that one out)
Config file has changed, you HAVE!!!!!! to change it!
sorry.. :D
v.1.08 -Release Candidate 2:
Fixed serious bug in newcamd
Optimized speed on some CAS.
Optimized speed in INIT of
Cryptoworks and Viaccess.
Changed debug print of client detection, some
confusion around unknown clients, they are now Generic clients.
v.1.07 -Release Candidate 1:
Fixed some potential bad
filedescriptor bugs. (we have never seen one though, and we miss good logs from
those who claim to have them ;)
Added SC8in1 on Dbox2!!
Changed ALL
devices to use <mhz> + ATR to set Baud/Parity. (<parity> is still
used for pre-ATR parity) (be careful with overclocking :)
<baud> and <databits> from config (not needed anymore).
cosmetic changes on tcp-commands.
Added more specific help in
Added one more priority type, "round" - look in config for
example, possible to select between the 3 different ones.
Added newcamd
client detection (hopefully will be supported by most clients with time, look in
special notes).
Misc newcamd fixes.
Fixed double resets on some cards in
Added <spider> option, possiblity to deny spider to login to
Fixed Crypto-special after attack.
Fixed Viaccess EMM
Added Cryptoworks EMM.
Added "keys" tcp-command, to show keys from
Made reverse login better.
Added Win32 binary.
Fixed a nasty bug
in tcp-debug.
v.1.06 -Public Beta:
Fixed NDS EMM with Newcamd (we hope - if
not, use mgcamd/evocamd).
Added ECM Queue, low-id users' ECM gets through
Added EMM cache to dont stress the card with Identical emms. (suggest
high EMM cache for this to work good)
Fixed VR3 UPC in conax mode.
some cosmetic logviewing in telnet ++.
Crosscompiled for NSLU2 (yet again, we
do NOT know if this will ever work).
Other misc. fixes.
Added new
commands: cache & version.
Added D2MAC support.
IF you
want to report a bug, PLEASE include some log samples and config file.. we're
not mindreaders ;)
v.1.05 -Public Beta:
Added Conformance logic 1.1 (this fixes
the spider issues).
Improved Sci-handling.
Improved timeing.
fixed nds in slot for 3.5 and 6mhz.
Crosscompiled for OpenWRT routers (mips).
(absolutely no idea if it will ever work though :o))
Fixed rdgd
Fixed NDS Skyitaly in phoenix. (we hope)
Lots of
v.1.04 -Public Beta:
Fixed Viaccess on Dbox (tested on 6Mhz
Added option to allow users to only access specified card. (look
for changes in configs)
Added option to specify port for each card. (look for
changes in configs)
Fixed segfault when some options(thats not needed on
these) was missing for sci/dragon.
Changed alot of debug levels.
baudrate for YES cards.
Added logging of tcp-commands.
New tcp-command:
Newcamd server close connection if user is unknown.
Fixed rare
login problems.
v.1.03 -Public Beta:
Fixed Viaccess-init in dbox.
Made carddetect faster.
Removed SID checking on
Disable carddetect on dbox, it doesnt work.. none of
us in the dev-team has access to one, so we
program in blind. If anyone got
info on how to do carddetect on Dbox, please point us in the right
by posting it on boards or something like that.
v.1.02 -Public Beta:
Fixed Skyitaly ATR (seems they have two
different ones, one has same starting bytes as nagra :O)
Fixed Digital ALB
unknown nano.
Added missing Dbox-type in commented config.
NB!! We
have recieved info that Newcamd Cardspider has additional checks for NDS cards,
it seems that
the cards are added to the spider as normal, but the cw's wont
reach the other peers (it works locally)..
In general newcamd dont support 1
single cw, so to have it 100% stable use mgcamd or evocamd.
v.1.01 -Public Beta:
Reached beta-stage.
should be nearly done.
7.-- Troubleshooting ------- --- -- - - -
8.-- Special Notes ------- --- -- - - -
Cache (ECM/EMM):
What can i say, have no idea how to explain
this so _everyone_ can understand what the hell it is.. but
lets have another
go.. as with default config, lets assume there is dynamic cache
Imagine an ECM comes to the server, this NewCS have never seen
before, it sends it to the card, the card
responds with the decrypted control
words, the dynamic cache know that this is a good response, and is valid
a certain period of time. So it puts it into a storage which is compared with
every new ECM sendt to NewCS.
Now lets imagine there is another client that
sends the exactly same ECM within a few seconds, then NewCS compare
this new
ECM to the cache, and finds that the card already have decrypted this ECM, so it
just sends the decrypted
control words to the client, without sending the ECM
to the card.
Since the ECM is only valid for a certain period of time, there
isnt need to store them for a longer period (it is
not very likely that the
provider sends the same ECM twice -without there beeing a big bug in their
Regarding EMM cache, it checks the cache if EMM has been sendt to
the card before, if it hasnt, then its sendt,
else its ignored.
Nagra Ver.2:
Well, finally..
There are some problems with
nagra2, on old boxes thats upgraded, you most probably only need the
but on new boxes you have to get out both the boxkey AND a RSA
The procedure is not known to us, so please dont ask..
Tested Providers:
- DigiTV (RSA)
- Polsat (dt08 and
- D+ (RSA)
- DishNet (dt08)
- ExpressVu (dt08)
EMM for Nagra Ver.2:
Clients which want to support EMM for
NewCS must be like this:
EMM-G are globally addressed EMMs. These use table_id 0x82, and
the IRD sends all of that type it finds out to the
card (after adding the
standard nagra2 header 21406DA0CA000067). f.ex.
82706C 00000000 00
EMM-S are for the whole card group. These are table_id 0x83 EMMs
with EMM[7]==0x10. The IRD filters those, and any
addressed with the first
three bytes matching our camid are sendt out to the card. f.ex for camid
83706C 33221100 10
EMM-U are for a single card. These are table_id 0x83 EMMs with
EMM[7]==0x00. The IRD filters those, and any addressed
with all four bytes
matching our camid are sendt to the card. f.ex. for camid
83706C 33221144 00
NewCS use real serial from card, the client must swap the serial
so it can match the EMM for the card.
If you enable this, NewCS will learn which channels
your cards can decode, and deny the others,
this will hopefully lower the
load on your card, giving it a longer life and faster decryption.
Configfile options will override the auto-sid feature, so think through your
A valid EMM will reset the denied auto-sids.
User numbering:
There has been ALOT of suspicions etc. around
the fact that our userid's start at number 2.
First of all, if we wanted to
make a backdoor, you really think we would make it that obvious?
reason for userid's starting at 2 is that newcamd always assumes that userid 1
has AU-rights,
we dont like this policy, so ALL newcs-users has to have
<au>on</au> to get AU-rights.
Simple as that :)
Client Detection:
The two custom-bytes in login is used for
identifying the client, the following are assigned by us:
#define CL_VDRSC 0x5644 - VDR-SC
#define CL_LCE 0x4C43 -
#define CL_CAMD3 0x4333 - Camd3
#define CL_RDGD 0x7264 -
#define CL_GBOX 0x6762 - Gbox
#define CL_WINCSC 0x7763 -
ECM Queue:
There are 3 types supported:
users' ECM gets through first,that mean first user in config will have the
highest priority.
All users have equal chance of getting theire ECM
through, its called "Round Robin"-algoritm.
First in, First out - as
the name says, the one who sendt first, gets answer first.
Well, this is some tricky stuff..
seems to be adapters that emulate almost 100% and works with all CAS, we have
seen them in both pl2303 adapters and ftdi adapters.
And then we have the
adapters that work on conax, seca, viaccess, cryptoworks, dreamcrypt, irdeto -
and if your are lucky, videoguard -
or maybe only a few of them.. seems some
adapters are really really slow, or just dont read/write all bytes :(
Infinity USB burner:
There seems to be some slight problems
if the usb isnt put in before the machine is booted, you can always check
manually if its detected,
just do: cat /proc/bus/usb/devices | grep "wbe" -
if you get anything then all probably should go very well :)
Mp35 burner:
The timing on this device seems to be a little
strange - works on some CAS and not on others, not much to do about it..
9.-- Known Bugs ------- --- -- - - -
10.-- Thanks guys, You ROCK! ------- --- -- - - -
Much precious time has been spent on the project, remember its
all about fun, not about money..
We are against all commercial cardsharing,
and will do as much as we can to prevent it - without
limiting the "normal"