Building Customized Debian CDs
There is a well documented official way to create standard Debian CDs. However, sometimes it is nice to have a CD or DVD which just contains a subset of Debian Packages to fit personal needs. The following script is made for creation of such a CD image. By default, it fetches all packages installed on the local computer from the apt package source. For Debian GNU/Linux 3.1r6 (sarge) | 33 kB | For Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r0 (etch) | 26 kB |
Bevor running the script make sure all packages installed on your system are available for apt-get. If in doubt update the package repository and clear the apt cache by running
# apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y && apt-get clean
$ ./
$ -h Usage: [Options] Options (argument required): -i Image name [debian-etch-20070715] -c CD-Rom mount point [/media/cdrom0] -s Selection [localhost] -v Installer version [current] -m Install dir medium [network] -d Debian mirror [] -e Path to extra packages [.] (Current directory) -a List of additional packages (Comma separated) Options (no argument): -O Don't use override files -I Don't include install dir -M Don't create CD image -V Verify CD image size before making the image Selection may be a text file generated by "dpkg --get-selections".
$ ./ -m cdrom -e /media/cdrom0/meine-lieblings-debs/
$ ./ -m cdrom -O
$ ./ -I -d http://debian-mirror/debian/ -u http://debian-mirror/debian/
$ ./ -s pakete-aller-rechner.txt -a pcmcia-cs,xteddy
Note that the CD Rom will contain packages you probably would not install on a typical workstation or server, such as base-config, dhcp-client or debootstrap.