Installing Aircrack-ng

Requirements: kernel headers and gcc installed on your system.

On Debian-based distros (Debian, Ubuntu, Xubuntu, ...), issue the following command in a console to install them:

sudo apt-get install build-essential


 tar -zxvf aircrack-ng-0.7.tar.gz
 cd aircrack-ng-0.7
 make install

Latest development sources

svn co aircrack-ng
cd aircrack-ng
#and as usual
make install

Troubleshooting Tips

On Debian-based distros, if you get something similar to:

/bin/sh: line 0: cd: /lib/modules/2.6.15-28-amd64-generic/build: No such file or directory *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-28-amd64-generic/build is missing, please set KERNELPATH.

The build directory gets installed together with the kernel headers, so either you lack the correct headers or your KERNELPATH is wrong. Please check that `uname -r` returns “2.6.15-28-amd64-generic”.

Do a “sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`” or just “sudo apt-get install linux-headers”.

If uname returns exactly that string and the current headers are installed, the remove the headers and install them again. Also check /usr/src for installed header files, maybe it got mixed up for whatever reason.

In the above examples, needless to say, change “2.6.15-28-amd64-generic” to whatever you are running.

install_aircrack.txt · Last modified: 2007/02/26 21:58 by darkaudax
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