// This script file contains 2 major sections, one for the AJAX chat, and one for the FAT // technique. The AJAX chat script part is below the FAT part // @name The Fade Anything Technique // @namespace http://www.axentric.com/aside/fat/ // @version 1.0-RC1 // @author Adam Michela var Fat = { make_hex : function (r,g,b) { r = r.toString(16); if (r.length == 1) r = '0' + r; g = g.toString(16); if (g.length == 1) g = '0' + g; b = b.toString(16); if (b.length == 1) b = '0' + b; return "#" + r + g + b; }, fade_all : function () { var a = document.getElementsByTagName("*"); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { var o = a[i]; var r = /fade-?(\w{3,6})?/.exec(o.className); if (r) { if (!r[1]) r[1] = ""; if (o.id) Fat.fade_element(o.id,null,null,"#"+r[1]); } } }, fade_element : function (id, fps, duration, from, to) { if (!fps) fps = 30; if (!duration) duration = 3000; if (!from || from=="#") from = "#FFFF33"; if (!to) to = this.get_bgcolor(id); var frames = Math.round(fps * (duration / 1000)); var interval = duration / frames; var delay = interval; var frame = 0; if (from.length < 7) from += from.substr(1,3); if (to.length < 7) to += to.substr(1,3); var rf = parseInt(from.substr(1,2),16); var gf = parseInt(from.substr(3,2),16); var bf = parseInt(from.substr(5,2),16); var rt = parseInt(to.substr(1,2),16); var gt = parseInt(to.substr(3,2),16); var bt = parseInt(to.substr(5,2),16); var r,g,b,h; while (frame < frames) { r = Math.floor(rf * ((frames-frame)/frames) + rt * (frame/frames)); g = Math.floor(gf * ((frames-frame)/frames) + gt * (frame/frames)); b = Math.floor(bf * ((frames-frame)/frames) + bt * (frame/frames)); h = this.make_hex(r,g,b); setTimeout("Fat.set_bgcolor('"+id+"','"+h+"')", delay); frame++; delay = interval * frame; } setTimeout("Fat.set_bgcolor('"+id+"','"+to+"')", delay); }, set_bgcolor : function (id, c) { var o = document.getElementById(id); o.style.backgroundColor = c; }, get_bgcolor : function (id) { var o = document.getElementById(id); while(o) { var c; if (window.getComputedStyle) c = window.getComputedStyle(o,null).getPropertyValue("background-color"); if (o.currentStyle) c = o.currentStyle.backgroundColor; if ((c != "" && c != "transparent") || o.tagName == "BODY") { break; } o = o.parentNode; } if (c == undefined || c == "" || c == "transparent") c = "#FFFFFF"; var rgb = c.match(/rgb\s*\(\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*,\s*(\d{1,3})\s*\)/); if (rgb) c = this.make_hex(parseInt(rgb[1]),parseInt(rgb[2]),parseInt(rgb[3])); return c; } } function jal_apply_filters(s) { return filter_smilies(make_links((s))); } var smilies=[[":satansmoking:", "satansmoking.gif"], [":dontknow:", "dontknow.gif"], [":fuckyou:", "fuckyou.gif"], [":mrgreen:", "icon_mrgreen.gif"], [":neutral:", "icon_neutral.gif"], [":smoking:", "smoking.gif"], [":thumbup:", "thumbup.gif"], [":twisted:", "icon_twisted.gif"], [":cuckoo:", "cuckoo.gif"], [":finger:", "finger.gif"], [":pacman:", "pacman.gif"], [":poison:", "poison.gif"], [":slayer:", "slayer.gif"], [":arrow:", "icon_arrow.gif"], [":dance:", "dance.gif"], [":drink:", "drink.gif"], [":freak:", "freak.gif"], [":oogle:", "oogle.gif"], [":party:", "party.gif"], [":shock:", "icon_eek.gif"], [":smile:", "icon_smile.gif"], [":bang:", "bang.gif"], [":beer:", "beer.gif"], [":cool:", "icon_cool.gif"], [":cuss:", "cuss.gif"], [":evil:", "icon_evil.gif"], [":grin:", "icon_biggrin.gif"], [":idea:", "icon_idea.gif"], [":kiss:", "kiss.gif"], [":mega:", "megaman.gif"], [":oops:", "icon_redface.gif"], [":pill:", "pill.gif"], [":pity:", "mrt.gif"], [":razz:", "icon_razz.gif"], [":roll:", "icon_rolleyes.gif"], [":wave:", "wave.gif"], [":wink:", "icon_wink.gif"], [":???:", "icon_confused.gif"], [":cry:", "icon_cry.gif"], [":eek:", "icon_surprised.gif"], [":ill:", "ill.gif"], [":lol:", "icon_lol.gif"], [":mad:", "icon_mad.gif"], [":sad:", "icon_sad.gif"], [":top:", "top.gif"], [":dj:", "dj.gif"], [":mc:", "mc.gif"], ["8-)", "icon_cool.gif"], ["8-O", "icon_eek.gif"], [":!:", "icon_exclaim.gif"], [":-(", "icon_sad.gif"], [":-)", "icon_smile.gif"], [":-?", "icon_confused.gif"], [":-D", "icon_biggrin.gif"], [":-P", "icon_razz.gif"], [":-o", "icon_surprised.gif"], [":-x", "icon_mad.gif"], [":-|", "icon_neutral.gif"], [":?:", "icon_question.gif"], [";-)", "icon_wink.gif"], ["8)", "icon_cool.gif"], ["8O", "icon_eek.gif"], [":(", "icon_sad.gif"], [":)", "icon_smile.gif"], [":?", "icon_confused.gif"], [":D", "icon_biggrin.gif"], [":P", "icon_razz.gif"], [":o", "icon_surprised.gif"], [":x", "icon_mad.gif"], [":|", "icon_neutral.gif"], [";)", "icon_wink.gif"]]; function make_links (s) { target=""; if (s.indexOf(this.location.href)==-1) target=' target="_blank"'; var re = /((http|https|ftp):\/\/[^ ]*)/gi; text = s.replace(re,"«link»"); return text; } function filter_smilies(s) { for (var i = 0; i < smilies.length; i++) { var replace = '[smiley]'; var search = smilies[i][0].replace(/(\)|\(|\$|\?|\|)/, "\\$1"); re = new RegExp(search, 'gi'); s = s.replace(re, replace); } var re =/([_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+\.[a-z]{2,4})/gi; s = s.replace(re,"«email»"); return s; } // XHTML live Chat // author: alexander kohlhofer // version: 1.0 // http://www.plasticshore.com // http://www.plasticshore.com/projects/chat/ // please let the author know if you put any of this to use // XHTML live Chat (including this script) is published under a creative commons license // license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/ var jal_loadtimes; var jal_org_timeout = 3000; var jal_timeout = jal_org_timeout; var GetChaturl = "/wp-content/plugins/wordspew/wordspew.php?jalGetChat=yes"; var SendChaturl = "/wp-content/plugins/wordspew/wordspew.php?jalSendChat=yes"; var httpReceiveChat; var httpSendChat; var jalSound; /////////////////////////////////////// // // Generic onload by Brothercake // http://www.brothercake.com/ // /////////////////////////////////////// //onload function //setup onload function if(typeof window.addEventListener != 'undefined') { //.. gecko, safari, konqueror and standard window.addEventListener('load', initJavaScript, false); } else if(typeof document.addEventListener != 'undefined') { //.. opera 7 document.addEventListener('load', initJavaScript, false); } else if(typeof window.attachEvent != 'undefined') { //.. win/ie window.attachEvent('onload', initJavaScript); } function initJavaScript() { if (!document.getElementById('chatbarText')) { return; } document.forms['chatForm'].elements['chatbarText'].setAttribute('autocomplete','off'); //this non standard attribute prevents firefox' autofill function to clash with this script // initiates the two objects for sending and receiving data checkStatus(''); //sets the initial value and state of the input comment checkName(); //checks the initial value of the input name checkUrl(); jalSound = (jal_getCookie("jalSound")==null || jal_getCookie("jalSound")==1) ? 1 : 0; jal_loadtimes = 1; httpReceiveChat = getHTTPObject(); httpSendChat = getHTTPObject(); setTimeout('receiveChatText()', jal_timeout); //initiates the first data query document.getElementById('shoutboxname').onblur = checkName; document.getElementById('shoutboxurl').onblur = checkUrl; document.getElementById('chatbarText').onfocus = function () { checkStatus('active'); } document.getElementById('chatbarText').onblur = function () { checkStatus(''); } document.getElementById('submitchat').onclick = sendComment; document.getElementById('chatForm').onsubmit = function () { return false; } // When user mouses over shoutbox document.getElementById('chatoutput').onmouseover = function () { if (jal_loadtimes > 9) { jal_loadtimes = 1; receiveChatText(); } jal_timeout = jal_org_timeout; } } //initiates the first data query function receiveChatText() { jal_lastID = parseInt(document.getElementById('jal_lastID').value) - 1; if (httpReceiveChat.readyState == 4 || httpReceiveChat.readyState == 0) { httpReceiveChat.open("GET",GetChaturl + '&jal_lastID=' + jal_lastID + '&rand='+Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000), true); httpReceiveChat.onreadystatechange = handlehHttpReceiveChat; httpReceiveChat.send(null); jal_loadtimes++; if (jal_loadtimes > 9) jal_timeout = jal_timeout * 5 / 4; } setTimeout('receiveChatText()',jal_timeout); } //deals with the servers' reply to requesting new content function handlehHttpReceiveChat() { if (httpReceiveChat.readyState == 4) { results = httpReceiveChat.responseText.split('---'); //the fields are seperated by --- if(results.length > 2 && document.getElementById('TheBox') && jalSound==1) document.getElementById('TheBox').innerHTML=''; if (results.length > 4) { for(i=0;i < (results.length-1);i=i+4) { //goes through the result one message at a time insertNewContent(results[i+1],results[i+2],results[i+3], results[i]); //inserts the new content into the page document.getElementById('jal_lastID').value = parseInt(results[i]) + 1; } jal_timeout = jal_org_timeout; jal_loadtimes = 1; } else if(results.length==3) { msg="Your IP address have been banned from this blog, if you feel this is in error please contact the webmaster."; insertNewContent(results[1], msg, "", results[0]); document.getElementById('jal_lastID').value = parseInt(results[0]) + 1; } } } function setSound() { pathToImg="http://www.kopfnote.net/wp-content/plugins/wordspew/"; jalSound = (jal_getCookie("jalSound")=="" || jal_getCookie("jalSound")==0) ? 1 : 0; document.cookie = "jalSound="+jalSound+";expires=Tue, 17 Oct 2006 21:25:22 UTC;path=/;"; document.getElementById('JalSound').src=(jalSound==1) ? pathToImg+"sound_1.gif": pathToImg+"sound_0.gif" } //inserts the new content into the page function insertNewContent(liName,liText, liUrl, liId) { lastResponse="0 minute ago"; response = document.getElementById("responseTime"); response.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(lastResponse), response.firstChild); insertO = document.getElementById("outputList"); oLi = document.createElement('li'); oLi.setAttribute('id','comment-new'+liId); oSpan = document.createElement('span'); oSpan.setAttribute('class','name'); oName = document.createTextNode(liName); if (liUrl != "http://" && liUrl != '') { oURL = document.createElement('a'); oURL.href = liUrl; oURL.setAttribute('target','_blank'); oURL.appendChild(oName); } else { oURL = oName; } oSpan.appendChild(oURL); oSpan.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' : ')); oLi.appendChild(oSpan); oLi.innerHTML += jal_apply_filters(liText); insertO.insertBefore(oLi, insertO.firstChild); Fat.fade_element("comment-new"+liId, 30, 2000, "#0066cc", "#FFFFFF"); } //stores a new comment on the server function sendComment() { currentChatText = document.getElementById('chatbarText').value; currentUrl = document.getElementById('shoutboxurl').value; currentName = document.getElementById('shoutboxname').value; if (currentChatText == '') return; if(CheckSpam(currentName+' '+currentUrl+' '+currentChatText)) { if (httpSendChat.readyState == 4 || httpSendChat.readyState == 0) { param = 'n='+ encodeURIComponent(currentName)+'&c='+ encodeURIComponent(currentChatText) +'&u='+ encodeURIComponent(currentUrl); httpSendChat.open("POST", SendChaturl, true); httpSendChat.setRequestHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); httpSendChat.onreadystatechange = receiveChatText; httpSendChat.send(param); document.forms['chatForm'].elements['chatbarText'].value = ''; } } } // http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=63818 function pressedEnter(field,event) { var theCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which ? event.which : event.charCode; if (theCode == 13) { sendComment(); return false; } else return true; } //does clever things to the input and submit function checkStatus(focusState) { currentChatText = document.forms['chatForm'].elements['chatbarText']; oSubmit = document.forms['chatForm'].elements['submit']; if (currentChatText.value != '' || focusState == 'active') { oSubmit.disabled = false; } else { oSubmit.disabled = true; } } function jal_getCookie(name) { var dc = document.cookie; var prefix = name + "="; var begin = dc.indexOf("; " + prefix); if (begin == -1) { begin = dc.indexOf(prefix); if (begin != 0) return null; } else begin += 2; var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", begin); if (end == -1) end = dc.length; return unescape(dc.substring(begin + prefix.length, end)); } //autoasigns a random name to a new user //If the user has chosen a name, use that function checkName() { jalCookie = jal_getCookie("jalUserName"); currentName = document.getElementById('shoutboxname'); if (currentName.value != jalCookie) { document.cookie = "jalUserName="+encodeURIComponent(currentName.value)+";expires=Tue, 17 Oct 2006 21:25:22 UTC;path=/;" } if (jalCookie && currentName.value == '') { currentName.value = jalCookie; return; } } function checkUrl() { jalCookie = jal_getCookie("jalUrl"); currentName = document.getElementById('shoutboxurl'); if (currentName.value == '') return; if (currentName.value != jalCookie) { document.cookie = "jalUrl="+currentName.value+";expires=Tue, 17 Oct 2006 21:25:22 UTC;path=/;" return; } if (jalCookie && ( currentName.value == '' || currentName.value == "http://")) { currentName.value = jalCookie; return; } } //initiates the XMLHttpRequest object as found here: http://www.webpasties.com/xmlHttpRequest function getHTTPObject() { var xmlhttp; /*@cc_on @if (@_jscript_version >= 5) try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP"); } catch (e) { try { xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch (E) { xmlhttp = false; } } @else xmlhttp = false; @end @*/ if (!xmlhttp && typeof XMLHttpRequest != 'undefined') { try { xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e) { xmlhttp = false; } } return xmlhttp; }