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You are visiting Super Grub Disk wiki. Most of these webpages suppose that you have a Super Grub Disk and that you know how to boot SGD. If you have a boot problem and you are lost do not hesitate to visit Boot problems page. After that you can visit: Super Grub Disk site where you can find the SGD forum and the SGD mailing list among other resources.

SGD Howto Boot

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Either you have a Super Grub Disk Cdrom, Floppy or USB what you have to do is insert Cdrom, Floppy or plug the USB just before starting your computer. If SGD appears at boot you do not have to do anything.

If SGD does not appear you should tweak your BIOS settings so that the SGD where device is installed boots in the first place.

Here there are two links which might help you:

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